(Sk.). It is wrong to call the condition of Pralaya ‘death’ as in the Cosmos there is no such purely human concept as death. There is only an infinite change of forms. Even so, Matter in the time of the Great Pralaya remains in its highest condition, and therefore is not deprived of spirit; for the Great Breath does not stop even during the Maha-Pralaya. The small Pralaya leaves all the worlds in status quo. (LHR I, p 434)
One can discern Manvantaras and Pralayas in everything. From the tiniest manifestation to a change of worlds one can see this majestic law decidedly. One can understand the precise progression that binds the smallest with the greatest. (H,140)
A period of obscuration or repose—planetary, cosmic or universal—the opposite of Manvantara. (SD I, p 370)
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