Boehme, Jacob
A great philosopher, one of the prominent mystics of the medieval ages. He was born about 1575 at Old Seidenburg, some two miles from Gorliz (Silesia), and died in 1624, at nearly fifty years of age. In his boyhood he was a common shepherd, and, after learning to read and write in a village school, became an apprentice to a poor shoemaker at Gorlitz. He was a natural clairvoyant of most wonderful powers. With no education or acquaintance with science, he wrote works which are now proved to be full of scientific truths; but then, as he says himself, what he wrote upon, he “saw it as in a great Deep in the “eternal”. He had “a thorough view of the universe, as in a chaos”, which yet “opened” itself in him, from time to time, as in a young plant”. He was a thorough-born Mystic, and evidently of a constitution which is most rare; one of those fine natures whose material envelope impedes in no way the direct, even if only occasional, inter-communion between the intellectual and the spiritual Ego. (TG)
Pythagoras and Plato and Boehme and Paracelsus and Thomas Vaughan were men who bore their lamps amidst their fellowmen in life under a hail of nonunderstanding and abuse. Anyone could approach them, but only a few were able to discern the superearthly radiance behind the earthly face. (BR, 175)
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