These sacred waves are carried to the spirit who sensitively absorbs the, Creativeness of the spirit depends upon sensitiveness of receptivity. Receptivity is accessible only to the centers. There can be partial receptivity; then the spirit evinces the attainment of a specialty. Of course, there is in the creativeness the affirmed direction of an all-embracing synthesis plus a specialty. Thus is life constructed! (INF II, 310)
We build all new possibilities upon the sensitiveness of receptivity. The creative forces are especially powerful when they are strained by sensitive receptivity. Only when the strings of the sensitiveness of receptivity resound can one hearken to the Cosmic Magnet; only then can the spirit gather all threads for creativity. The adherence to the Cosmic Magnet has impelled all Lords to the great self-sacrificing achievement. It is therefore that We value so much the heart which senses the course of the Cosmic Magnet. (INF II, 345)
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