The Anahata Chakra or the Heart of the Subtle Body, where the accumulations of many lives are stored—deposited there in the form of Fiery Matter.
Since times immemorial the Chalice has been a symbol of Service. The gifts of Higher Forces are gathered in the Chalice and given from the Chalice. The symbol of the Chalice has always stood for self-sacrifice. Whoever bears the Chalice bears Achievement. Each lofty deed can be marked by the symbol of the Chalice. Everything most lofty, everything for the good of humanity, should bear this symbol. The Chalice of the Grail, and the Chalice of the Heart which has dedicated itself to the Greater Service, is a most Cosmic Magnet. The Heart of the Cosmos is reflected in this great symbol. All images of Heroes of the Spirit may be represented as bearing the Chalice. The whole universe is reflected in the Chalice of the fiery spirit. The Chalice contains the accumulations of centuries which are gathered around the seed of the spirit. It is necessary to accept the affirmation of the Chalice as a great symbol in everyday life. Small children, and all youth, should be taught to think about the Chalice. One should understand the entire diversity of forms of the great symbol, the Chalice.
(FW III, 49)
The fire of the Chalice represents the psychodynamics which ignites around it all energies. (INF I, 251)
The center of the Chalice is located near the heart, amidst the knots of nerves. The Chalice is the focal point of all emanations. This is the focus in which and through which all emanations of the seed of the spirit are refracted and spread. The Chalice forms a triangle between the center of the heart and the solar plexus. It is (the Chalice) above the solar plexus at the level of the heart.
(LHR II, p 371)
see also Containment, Law of
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