The faculty, whether innate or acquired by occult training, of hearing all that is said at whatever distance. (TG)
I will grant thee power to see and hear.
The first essentials are purity of air and calmness of spirit. (LMG I, 142)
Today you heard the music of the spheres, that rhythm which strengthens the realization of evolution. It is not the theme precisely, but the rhythm that forms the essence of the music of the spheres. It is indeed the degree of purity of the sounds which determines the interplanetary conduit. These sounds are heard on many far-off worlds, but on Earth they can be heard only at high altitudes, and it is necessary to have a musical ear. But the ear that has heard the music of the spheres must be protected from the wind. (AY, 149)
The centers revolving at the back of the head strengthen clairaudience. They are located at the crossing of the two main channels of the surging currents of life. The centers are affirmed as the carriers of energies needed for communions with the far-off worlds. These centers tense the center of the ear and for this reason are most important. (INF I, 305)
In the cooperation of all spheres the creativeness of Fire is laid as the foundation. The currents of the spheres are transmitted by the Fire of Space. Those who affirm the creativeness of Fire may say that they serve evolution. Hence, the centers of hearing are connected so closely with Fire. Each manifestation of the striving center discloses clairaudience. In turn, clairaudience affords to humanity an evolutionary move. (INF I, 317)
People notice that clair-audience is better at dawn. The reason advanced for this is far from the truth. They suppose that after the night the organism is rested; they think that the currents just before dawn lend assistance, but they overlook the simplest and most natural solution. Actually, the most obvious cause lies in the fact that during sleep man has contacted the Subtle World, and therein has enhanced his subtle qualities. (AUM, 212)
It is often observed that clairaudience and clairvoyance usually yield fragmentary information. But it is necessary to recall many principles in order to understand what is taking place. Frequently the fragmentary character results from the earthly point of view. People do not grasp the subtle connection of what has been seen. Perhaps the bond is quite logical, but earthly logic differs from that of the Subtle World.
Also it should not be forgotten that the Higher World watches over the laws of karma. Very slightly understood is the boundary between that which is permitted and the sacred karma. It is impossible in earthly language to define the gates of karma. It is likewise difficult to indicate how man himself influences his clairaudience. He can stop up his ears with a thousand moods. It is first necessary to broaden the consciousness in order that all channels be clear. (AUM, 457)
see also Circles of Sight and Hearing
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