What more nearly compares with Our Community—a choir of psalm-singers or an armed camp? Rather the second. One can imagine how it must conform to the rules of military organization and leadership. Is it possible to establish the paths of advancement of the Community without repulse and attack? Is it possible to take a fortress by assault without knowing its situation? The conditions of defense and attack must be weighed. Needed is experienced knowledge and keen vigilence. They are wrong who consider the Community a house of prayer. They are wrong who call the Community a workshop. They are wrong who regard the Community as an exclusive laboratory. The Community is a hundred-eyed guard. The Community is the hurricane of the messenger. The Community is the banner of the conqueror. (COM, 183)
In a conscious community there is a place for every labor. Each one may select his task at will, for every labor is sharpened by new attainments. There is not the tedium of mechanical performance, for the worker is at the same time an experimenter. He understands the significance of the problem of introducing perfectionment of work without disturbing the general complex of rhythm. ...
Each one decisively finds work to suit Himself and can change it at will. Thus, necessary is both the desire to work and the open consciousness through which each labor becomes attractive. For labor is performed for the future, and each one carries his best stone. (COM, 202)
Our Community does not use force, it practices voluntary cooperation.
(BR, 388)
I should add that the Community is the lighthouse and the sole anchor of humanity. Thus, the best people are under obligation to ease their unbearable burden. And how immense should be our gratitude to these High Spirits who for centuries have sacrificed Themselves and who continue to sacrifice Their well-deserved higher happiness so that They may ease the destiny of humanity and save the planet from destruction! (LHR I, p 460)
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