This concept has an affinity with a combination of Goal-fitness and Universal Understanding.
Achievement is not renunciation; it is containment and movement. Thus, when I say, “he who has renounced,” it should be understood as, “he who has contained.” It is impossible to present the substance of renunciation, because beside it nestles prohibition. But containment emphasizes conscious understanding.
And how did the Great Mother renounce the worlds? In that She contained the greatness of the structure of the future, and henceforth nothing could hinder the growth of the spirit.
Loyalty is a quality of the spirit of high tension, and the evincing of containment makes true achievement a joyous acquisition. (LMG II, p 176)
Someone will say: “Is vigilance, or co-measurement, or mobility, or devotion difficult? Here, I feel that I can contain all these conditions; will you not take me on the distant journey into the Community?” But has this hasty traveler thought about a certain requisite in the qualities mentioned by him? Steadfastness was forgotten. Little fires flickering only for an instant contain all the qualities of flame, but darkness engulfs them as swiftly as a brazier does a snowflake. One cannot trust an isolated moment of containment; only steadfastness, tempered by toil and by obstacles, results in a trustworthy containment. (COM, 153)
The suffering of privations is unknown to Us, for containment excludes privation. Our Teaching represents the world as rich, joyous and attractive. Like a ship filled with treasures does the indicated community rush along. Realization of the innumerable properties of matter brightly illuminates all. The matter of yesterday is clothed in a radiant fabric of energy, which is not in need of a new name but which penetrates all space and palpitates with the rainbow of human rejoicing. (COM, 263)
We speak of containment, but where is the ocean of containment outside of the heart? We recall the far-off worlds, but it is the heart, not the brain, that can remember Infinity. Thus, let us not disparage that which is bestowed upon us as the receptacle of Bliss. (H, 277)
The affirmed guide knows all the joys, all the containments of synthesis, but at the same time he knows the burden of all the manifested and unmanifested fires. This heritage of the ages is precipitated in the “chalice” as fiery strata; therefore those who bear the fire of synthesis are manifested as bearing the burden of centuries. (FW III, 74)
see also Containement, Law of
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