(Sk.). We find that the physical and psychic organism of a man is but the combination of five groups of aggregates or skandhas, which are divided into physical qualities: form—rupa; sensation—vedana; perception—samjna; forces—samskara; consciousness—vijnana. All five are equally unstable and dual. Samskara are the inclinations and creative powers, explaining the present dharmas by the previous and indicating which of the present dharmas prepare those of the future.
Samskara are accumulations left by former sensations and lending their fragrance to future sensations. From this definition of samskara (skandhas) it is clear that this group of elements appears as the one absorbing all peculiarities of other skandhas. Vijnana-skandha, and partly samjna, lend their coloring or character to the other combinations, and therefore appear as the cause, defining the next existence, in the sense of strivings and inclinations.
Rupa is like a plate; vedana is like food contained on the plate; samjna is like a sauce; samskara is like the cook; and vijnana is like the eater.
(LHR I, p 478)
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