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Our co-workers, in action, are distinguished from others by their mobile striving and their broad encompassment. The cosmic life consists of movements of attraction and repulsion, in other words, of rhythmic explosions and accumulations. The activity of Our co-workers is not detached from the law of nature. It can be observed how activity stores the consciousness and does not fear destruction by an explosion. One thing is unknown to Us—rest in inaction. Our co-workers like Ourselves, generously lay the foundations. (AY, 311)
Passing through a meadow, do not pluck flowers needlessly. Departing, consider that even the most clumsy co-worker can offer his stone for the structure. It is not necessary to reject until the line of treason is crossed. Judge by this black sign. (AY, 310)
One must distinguish precisely with whom one can work, but if a choice of co-workers has been made one should not remind them about the past. Who knows what may have happened in the past! Usually people are obscured in the snares of the past. Indeed, it completely prevents one’s being turned wholly toward the future. And what small earthly stones of the past prevent one’s proceeding rapidly on the path! But one should become accustomed to the hurried path, no other exists. A great number of unfortunates and sufferers are counting the moments, waiting for help. Indeed, ought we not hasten? (FW II, 150)
If the reactions of the Subtle World are so frequent, deep and lengthy relations should be established between co-workers of the two worlds. And so it is. Besides, the relationships are not so much a matter of blood kinship as of spiritual kinship. Often such co-workers meet also on the earthly plane; though they may be separated by differences of nationality and circumstance, yet an inner feeling will draw them together. Between them a confidence will be established very easily, though there may also be reverse exceptions. (AUM, 156)
Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones. Especially when you are striving for unity, leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.
Protect the co-workers sailing in the same boat, some of them are unaccustomed to distant sailing. Of course, all have not passed the same dates. Whoever has succeeded better also knows magnanimity. He is already experienced in patience, without which no quest is successful.
One who realizes the significance of psychic energy will forever be an investigator. He will always be perfecting himself, that is, he will be freeing himself from old age. (AUM, 598)
Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one’s capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one’s consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.
It is impossible for a man even to think about Brotherhood if he is not happy to take part in a common work. Each common work contains many aspects which correspond to different capabilities. Is the field of labor narrow? Is it not joyous to perceive true co-workers around oneself? The joy We feel at each co-worker is not small. It is necessary to encourage discreetly each one who draws near. But one need not lament those who fall by the wayside, if their spirit cannot understand true joy. (BR, 108)
Each true worker sometimes experiences, as it were, the fall of all his work into an abyss, moreover an abyss which is unfathomable. Thus the spirit of the worker suffers a most dangerous predetermination. A weak one senses the abyss and falls into despondency, but a strong one recognizes the touch of Infinity. Many observations and experiments confront a man before he can encounter joyfully the face of Infinity. Gone will be regret for human creations which have been dissolved. They, even the most sublime ones, will be dispersed in Infinity. The earthly mind does not realize where its accumulated treasures can be made manifest. A man wishes to bring good to humanity, but instead of the fruits of his labor there lies before him an unfathomable abyss. A formidable mind may shudder at that, but the tempered, manifested warrior of labor sees before him, not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity.
Brotherhood is needed in all its mutual assistance. Who, then, if not a Brother, shows the Light of indestructible toil? In space grows each sprig of labor. That which is created does not disintegrate, but sows around itself divisible, innumerable forms. True blessing is in the ever-presence of Infinity. It is possible to populate it with beautiful forms. (BR, 277)
Always remember about the young co-workers. Remember that it is always possible to find them. Remember that they await you, even under diverse garments. Under a vague aspiration they are still ready to receive a word about new attainment. Through all the domains of science let a call be heard to the spacious truth. Let each one, though it be through physical culture, begin to think about culture of the spirit. Let biology remind one about unending life. If someone likes outlandish words, make no objections, for the paths are infinite. If someone is bewildered, encourage him, because not seldom is perplexity a sign of a secret thought. When someone views things with gloom is this not a sign of frustrated hope? One word about Infinity can bestow wings. When someone is silent, perhaps he is searching for the most expressive word—encourage him with a look. Many bridges can be enumerated by which young friends can cross over the stream. But the main thing remains that the readiness of young forces is great. This must be remembered by all who shake their heads in unbelief.
(BR, 468)

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