In Theosophical teachings the term ‘Spirit’ is applied solely to that which belongs directly to Universal Consciousness, and which is its homogeneous and unadulterated emanation. Thus, the higher Mind in Man or his Ego (Manas) is, when linked indissolubly with Buddhi, a spirit … Spirit is formless and immaterial, being, when individualized, of the highest spiritual substance—Suddasatwa, the divine essence, of which the body of the manifesting highest Dhyanis are formed … Spirit, in short, is no entity in the sense of having form; for, as Buddhist philosophy has it, where there is a form, there is cause for pain and suffering. But each individual spirit—this individuality lasting only throughout the manvantaric life-cycle —may be described as a center of consciousness, a self-sentient and self-conscious center; a state, not a conditioned individual. (TG)
And so, there is only one Substance, one Element—whether you call it God, Spirit, Fire, That, etc., or Parabrahman, Ain-Soph, Space, Absolute, etc. —which in potentiality has both polarities, or is the Androgyne. (LHR I, p 489)
Only the bridge of the spirit can close that abyss which dawns before humanity. The bridge of the Spirit is a bridge of Beauty. (FW III, 203)
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