Crown of Cosmos or Crown of Creation
The life of the atom is many-sided, and the aspects of its paths are quite varied. The courses sometimes describe a circle, manifesting conscious combinations; but at times, becoming disunited, they evince spatial striving, and the obtuse angle increases with each manifestion. The very highest path of unification is called the Crown of Cosmos, when a circle of interrelated lives is complete. The most high and fiery Path! (INF I, 77)
A great Oneness reigns in Cosmos as a powerful law. Only those who adhere to this law can verily take part in cosmic cooperation. The Oneness of substance in everything urges humanity to creativity. When the consciousness draws from the treasury of Space, the Cosmic Magnet is under tension. The manifested treasury contains the expression of the energy imbued by the Oneness. Therefore each seed of the spirit must feel this Oneness. Each seed of the spirit belongs to the Cosmic Oneness in which all cosmic creativeness is comprised. Humanity deprives itself in departing from this truth by setting up a law of separateness. Immutable is the law of the Oneness in infinite diversity!
Only by this law can one build, because when attraction is creating, the power that lies in the action is Oneness. The creativity of Cosmos is boundless through this Oneness!
Upon Oneness stands the entire affirmed Be-ness. The operating law is so stupendous that all cosmic construction rests upon this principle. In every manifestation this law assembles the parts, uniting those which belong to each other. This great law is the Crown of Cosmos.
In the eternal creativeness of life, the law of Oneness holds. The cosmic creativeness goes forth as a fiery command; a command preordaining fusion; a command preordaining destiny; a command preordaining the replacement of one by another; a command preordaining consummation; a command preordaining immortality; a command preordaining life for each atom; a command preordaining the approach of new energy; a command preordaining the New Era. Thus is the cosmic creation accomplished by the magnet of life. How then is it possible to split the creation of the Cosmos? How then can those things which belong to one another be separated? How then can those things which verily issue one from another be separated? Indeed, in its saturation Cosmos is strained for the fiery fusion! Only Cosmic Reason can give to humanity the Image of Oneness. Reason gives to humanity the supreme Image of the creation of the most fiery Heart. Reason assembles in sacredness; therefore, in Cosmos this law is created by life. Where then is the end, when all cosmic manifestations evolve upon two Origins? When a spirit contacts the higher spheres, cosmic creativeness is revealed to it as the law of infinite unity. When the spirit reaches the highest Oneness, it may be said verily that it draws from the vessel of cosmic joy. Yes, yes, yes!
The spirit shudders at the thought of death. But when consciousness penetrates the essence of Be-ness, the conception of Oneness is confirmed. When the spirit understands how ceaselessly the manifestations of life flow, the continuity of all chains may be indicated. The chain of thought, the chain of action, the chain of effects, the chain of strivings, the chain of lives—each chain predetermines the succeeding one. The creativeness of the magnet of life lies in these chains. The spirit must shudder not at the thought of death and change but at the thought of sundering the chain. If one could observe the records of disrupted chains borne in space, the spirit verily would shudder. When the great shifting is brought about, only he will succeed who has adhered to the oneness of evolution. (INF II, 48-51)
Great unity in Cosmos holds sway like a powerful law. Only those who accept this law may truly participate in the cosmic cooperation. The unity of essence in everything directs humanity toward creation. When the consciousness draws from the treasury of space, then the Cosmic Magnet exerts its influence. The manifested treasury contains the affirmation of energy saturated with unity. Therefore, each seed of spirit must feel similar unity. Each seed of spirit belongs to the cosmic Unity, in which all cosmic creation is contained. Man deprives himself of this truth by adopting the way of isolation. The law of Unity is immutable in all its variety. Only by this law is it possible to construct because when the attraction creates, then in the power of action lies unity. All affirmed Be-ness is founded on unity. The administering law is so powerful that cosmic construction is upheld by this principle. In all its manifestations this law gathers its particles, unifying all which belong together. This great law is the Crown of Cosmos! (LHR I, p 28)
The sacred Teaching says that the hermaphrodite never existed in reality. There were some individual, unsuccessful cases, which soon ceased to exist. But the theory of twin souls has a real basis, and in a way completes the symbol of the Androgyne. All symbols of the Androgyne have as their aim the showing of the necessity of the twin Elements in the Cosmos in all their manifestations, for the maintenance of life and equilibrium. All legends about the affinity of souls are based on a great truth because, in primary law, the union of the two Elements is basically meant... Fire is dual in its nature; hence, all the chalices in the ancient mysteries had a dual flame above them. All the gods of antiquity had with them their consorts, who personified the cosmic energy. All scriptures and sacred images point out this fundamental cosmic law. Differentiation results in separation of the Elements and the separated Elements are driven into distant spheres. The magnet which has existed in the Elements during aeons of time will, after the complete transmutation and purification of the Elements, collect and unite them again. This is called the Great Crowning, or the Crown of Cosmos. (LHR I, p 195)
see also Oneness, Law of
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