Universal Mind
The Cosmic Mind representing ‘the collectivity of the Dhyan Chohanic Minds’ or the Collective Mind or Reason of the Hierarchy of Light. (SD I, p 579 )
It is incorrect to call the fire of space Cosmic Reason, for the fire of space is the Source of Life. Consequently, it is the potential consciousness or the basis of Mind. The Cosmic Mind is the manifested Mind or the collective Mind or Reason of the Hierarchy of Light. (LHR I, p 376)
Indeed, the whole summum bonum of Reason in its convoluted or involuted state in the Unmanifested Universe, we may call God. But it is necessary to establish the difference between the Cosmic Foundation, or the Potential Mind, infinite in its absoluteness, and the Manifested Cosmic Mind. Thus, the Highest Reason and the Great Heart, mentioned in Chalice of the East and in the books of the Teaching, is precisely the Collective Mind and the Heart of the Great Hierarchy of Light. Precisely, the Mind and the Heart of these Highest Spirits who have completed their human evolution for this Manvantara (either here or in other worlds or systems) direct the lower forces subordinate to Them, together with the destinies of various humanities in various worlds. (LHR I, p 390)
see also Cosmic Magnet, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Reason
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