(Sk.). Translated as ‘esoteric doctrine’, or intepretation of the Vedas by the Vedanta methods. The division of the Vedas appended to the Brahmanas and regarded as a portion of Sruti or ‘revealed’ word. They are, however, as records, far older than the Brahmanas—with the exception of the two, still extant, attached to the Rig-Veda of the Aitareyins. The term Upanishad is explained by the Hindu pundits as ‘that which destroys ignorance, and thus produces liberation’ of the spirit, through knowledge of the supreme though hidden truth; the same, therefore, that which was hinted at by Jesus, when He is made to say, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John VIII: 32). It is from these treatises of the Upanishads—themselves the echo of the primeval Wisdom-Religion—that the Vedanta system of philosophy has been developed. (TG)
The Agni-Puranas, the Upanishads, and other ancient Covenants, in their basic portions, transmit with absolute exactness the laws of Being. (AUM, 563)
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