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Alchemy: The Sublimation of sexual energy
AlchemyQ&A on sexual alchemy

The Sublimation of sexual energy
Q&A on sexual alchemy

«…Regarding sexual Alkemy I have always had many doubts on what I've happened to read here and there. Your analysis is what I hoped to hear about it because I experienced its effects without being conscious of the cause and what was originating them, I used to attribute everything to a superior entity... »

Q : «…you are a little Light on the Path for the pilgrim. Regarding sexual Alkemy I have always had many doubts on what I've happened to read here and there. Your analysis is what I hoped to hear about it because I experienced its effects without being conscious of the cause and what was originating them, I used to attribute everything to a superior entity. I must also say that sexual abstinence didn't occur because of my personal constraint but it was a consequence of my psycho-physical state (of grace) in which I found myself because of what I thought and what I did (ora et labora). I had this experience about thirty years ago; during that time the journey was basically mystic/Christian, therefore almost exclusively based on faith. For this reason I know through experience part of the wonderful effects given by the search for the “Stone”; I didn't know, though, the causes that originate some effects, and up to today most of it is still unknown to me.»

A : I intervene here to highlight an important fact.

It is good to recognize the dangers of earthly illusions but it is as important to recognize the dangers of abstraction. By retiring “from the world” we lose ourselves and abstraction as well can produce mirages.

The danger of illusion is everywhere, not because everything is illusion, but because illusion is inborn in our senses. Therefore using the senses means to perceive unrealistically earth, water, air and fire. They are not what they are but they become (are transformed into) the way we “feel” them.

The way to cancel illusion and mirages, then, goes necessarily through the elimination of sensorial perceptions. Here we can only receive help from the East (za zen methods, asparsa Vedanta, raja yoga, etc.) that can show us the way for conscious abstraction. Much depends on the ability of the operator to use the “psychic will”, in other words the will of the superior Ego.

Q : «In the last ten years the way of Tradition has taught me a lot; I have read and I have thought it over. The Internet has been very useful because it has given me the chance to access and know things that it would have been hard to reach otherwise and you as well, dear brother, have helped me a lot through Esonet.

Going back to Alkemy, you say: “…of the sexual pleasure connected to the reproduction of the species”. Is it acceptable, then, to go back to the gospel that talks about copulation only for procreation?»

A : Copulation is already a bad word and then with the only aim of procreation it would really make as like animals. No, absolutely.

First, sex is energy, not bad not good, only energy.

Second, sexual energy can generate physical forms but if it is sublimed (it goes up to the center of the throat) it becomes an extremely pure force of thought and generates very fine forms of creative, artistic, philosophic and religious thought.

There's a very important point to make here. Religious exaltation is a product of sexual energy of the lowest level, that is the generative center in contact with genitals.

Q : «The wings at the top of the dorsal spine,…represent mental “freedom”… Personally I think that man is never free, he is always prisoner of his devil or of his God, of his mind or of his heart.»

A : Man is never free, you are right, but maybe we are not talking about the same kind of man. When you talk about “prisoner” you are talking about man's personality, his physical conscience, his material reason. But if we talk about freedom we must think of the Man who “lets himself become Chalice” and lets himself being filled with good spirit.

Therefore if we talk about inner freedom we are thinking of the Man who lets himself be filled through a psychic precipitation, by the energy of the soul that mystics resume in the sentence: “thy will be done”.

This is the initiatory freedom I was talking about.

Q : «Let heart and mind be the pots in which the fire of spiritual conscience work” (is it the action of Temperance, the card number XIV of Tarots?) What do you exactly mean by heart? From the image pictured below it looks like Daath and heart are the same thing.»

A : The sephirothic correspondent of the cardiac center is the sephiroth Tiphereth. Whilst Daath represents the center of the throat that lights only through the interaction between cardiac center and what is at the top of the head (called center of the 1,000 petals).

Therefore the triangle that allows the illumination (the psychic precipitation of the energy of the soul) is: cardiac center-top of the head-center of the throat.

The ignition of this “energetic triangle” goes through a minor center of transit, placed between the shoulder blades (scapulas) therefore called scapular; when it emits energy it releases energetic halos that look like wings. That is the reason why wings are represented in mystic metaphors.

The ignition of the whole system produces a mental vision of superior kind (the metaphor of the Third eye) that goes beyond the physical senses; through the elimination of animal sensations the circle of liberation from animal physicalness is closed.

Athos A. Altomonte

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