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Teosophy: Other principles of esoterical Philosophy
Topic:Question & Answer

Q:.... the superior energetic essence, […] can have the
will to express itself in a physical form: why?
Answer: I should start by discussing the Work of consecration
of the matter. For reasons of space this is impossible to do in a Mailing List.
I’ll just say to you that the spiritual essence ‘wishes’ (!)
to let the (fallen) matter live, taking it back to its primogenial status. The
Harmony of the spiritual planes is re-composed.
Q:…according to which principles this energy ‘decides’
what form to take?
Answer: inferior substances are denser because they undergo a
slower energetic frequency. Whey they are approached by a superior substance (with
higher speed and vibration) they get in dissonance (conflict) with it. Therefore
the ‘inferior substance’ always opposes resistance to a major simile
(spirit, soul or conscience). In order to avoid this problem (without breaking
anything) it is necessary to create a room of compensation (Bridge of conscience)
between them, so that the conflict between the ‘two different similarities’
(see duality) is slowly reduced. Therefore it is easy to understand that the ‘form’
under which an energetic boost, such as the spiritual one, can appear (by materializing
and incarnating), is strongly affected by the resistance opposed by the physical
The amalgamation of the differences that offer resistance is the task of the Ego
(intelligent activity) also called superior Self. In order to improve the readiness
and efficiency of its action, it is necessary that the personality (physical conscience),
as well, decides to ‘build’ its part of the linking Bridge between
the ‘two realities’.
Q:…how, when and most of all why do we need to ‘retire’
from this ‘form’"?
Answer: I suggest you read the Treaty: Death, the Great
Adventure; you will find it on our website.
Q:- can the same spiritual essence (soul?) have several separate
physical manifestations at the same time?
Answer: no.
Q:- you say that: “… physical expressions are only
the last link (every link is a different dimension) of the evolving life, generating
all the different forms of existence.” Aren’t there any inferior dimensions
of existence?
Answer: under ‘our universe’ or rather, more realistically,
under what we can barely perceive, there are other universes.
We know the dimension of the ‘extremely big’ called the Macrocosm
and the ‘extremely small’ called the Microcosm.
But these are only the outlines of human existence, all determined by the ‘time
factor’. Looking beyond, where time is not relevant or non existent at all,
we would find universes bigger than our Macrocosm and others smaller than our
Microcosm. ‘Above and under’ are only conventions of the physical
reason supported by a two-dimensional thought. To be more precise it would be
better to say ‘in and out’.
When a Disciple starts thinking in terms of ‘in and out’, the dimension
he perceives by the physical senses through this new way of thinking (based on
the idea of space) makes it easier for him to ‘visualize’ the idea
of multi-dimensionality.
Multi-dimensionality is neither in nor out, neither is it above nor under what
is perceived by the senses of the physical body. Its characteristic is ‘to
cross’ the different dimensions (inner spaces). In other words different
planes are placed into each other, crossing both longitudinally and transversally.
It all happens ‘at the same time’ (law of synchronicity).
The spiritual vision is able to observe in and through different dimensions at
the same time. This gives an idea of the point of observation of a Master.
Q:- I don’t understand what ‘get closer to the living
teaching’ means
Answer: what is ‘reported’ through old memories are
often dreams, what is written is ‘dead letter’. Only the Power of
the word (prerogative of the Initiate) keeps and transmits, at least partially,
the vitality (Fire, Agni) of the Idea: this is the esoterical meaning of the transmission:
But the living teaching is what we can receive from the first occult Master that
is the superior Self. The voice in the silence that ‘instructs’ the
reason of the Aspirant up to lead him to the Threshold of the Master is the voice
of the Ego.
I hope these ideas can be of use to you.
Athos A. Altomonte
Esonet’s Editorial Staff
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