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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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About Aura: Aura and Service to the Humankind - necessary preamble
Topic:Alchemy of Fire
Alchemy of Fire

Aura and Service to the Humankind - necessary preamble

“To focus on the observation of what happens inside us sounds like an introverted and egocentric process; indeed it is a virtuous way of growing. Great Initiates say that to know how we are in depth it is necessary to free us from the (mental) subjections of the physical world. This path starts with the dialogue with ourselves. After all, to wonder about things doesn’t only mean to look for answers, but also to learn to know oneself. In order to wonder about useful things we must know exactly what to ask; this is why a good culture is a good thing, starting from a formal education that teaches us how to develop all our inner abilities.”

«…is there a link between the Aura and the Service for the Wellbeing and the progress of humankind? »

Like it is impossible to reach a far away goal without crossing the spaces that separate us from it, it is also impossible to answer this question without knowing the different levels of conscience that from the physical participation lead us to live the sense of the super-physical conscience.

Every status (level or plane) of conscience involves a different way of feeling ourselves and the service we give, even unconsciously, starting from the person who recognizes himself only in the physical body. At first our identity is the body; then the physical mind evolves and starts perceiving of being something more than a complex of organs, asking questions on the sense of life and on its destiny.

From the outside we receive hopes and utopias, never certainties. In the outside world, in fact, everything flows, ends and is transformed. It is a paradigm of death where we will never have certain answers on the existence. At this point we direct elsewhere, perhaps concluding that what we are looking for is inside us.

To focus on what happens inside us sounds like an introverted and egocentric process; indeed it is a virtuous way of growing. Great Initiates say that to know how we are in depth it is necessary to free us from the (mental) subjections of the physical world. This path starts with the dialogue with ourselves. After all, to wonder about things doesn’t only mean to look for answers, but also to learn to know oneself. In order to wonder about useful things we must know exactly what to ask; this is why a good culture is a good thing, starting from a formal education that teaches us how to develop all our inner abilities.

It is a long process, but the inner dialogue can become so deep that it illuminates the mind with the idea of being the expression of a living soul. This is an idea that enlightens the mind and changes its perspective of service; the latter used to be focused on the satisfaction of physical needs and it becomes the search for a subtle identity that was so far only perceived. Through the learning of the inner mysteries the conscience enlightens the mind, producing the awakening called Initiation.

The possibility to make ourselves useful, which is the whole point of the service, is not limited to our own improvement. There are other aspects to consider, such as what everybody unconsciously gives to the existence of the planet (see astral conscience).

In the most advanced stage conscience doesn’t conceive the humankind only as a multitude of different men but like groups of souls descending from a unique cosmic conscience. This causes the maturation of an extraordinary service, very close to the super-mundane service of a spiritual kind.

In conclusion, the levels that conscience goes through during its expansion from the physical sensations to the subtlest ones, constitute the process called initiatory path, which we will try and illustrate in this work.

Athos A. Altomonte

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