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: Physical and subtle identity
Topic:Alchemy of Fire
Alchemy of FireThe mystery of life is to know who we really are; we can discover it by re-building our subtle identity.

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Physical and subtle identity

by Athos A. Altomonte

© copyright by Esonet.it - Esonet.com

The mystery of life is to know who we really are; we can discover it by re-building our subtle identity.

The development of conscience and the mental qualities of man progress together with a particular beneficial generosity called “altruistic service”. The signs of inner progress are perceived by the aura; its colors follow the mobility of the psyche, changing according to what the mind feels and thinks.

The small human auras have the same characteristics of the universal one, which they are connected to. The lesser auras are the effect of a motion of life called “soul” whilst the greater aura originates from the motion of the inexpressible principle that men call God. Like the universal aura, that of man is also an energetic membrane, which keeps the lesser irradiations that reflect the quality of thought.

The aura is connected to the mind through the conscience and the other way round.

The main link is with the energetic nucleus called soul. It is so called because it (animates) moves the microcosm called “man-universe”. This link is accessible by coordinating the mind with the subtlest levels of conscience. In order to reach one of the greater links, though, we need to start from what joins reason and physical conscience. This is the first step to lead the physical identity to the subtle conscience, transforming it into subtle identity.

At first reason is completely subdued to the drives of the physical-animal nature, therefore to bring it near the sense of conscience is a very difficult process. This is why the first trial is to bring back to order its unruliness. Basically, man must find in himself the will to impose to the egocentrism of the lower nature, which hinders every “intrusion” of the conscience. The lower nature is deaf to the voice of conscience and only by recurring to the will we can reasonably think of freeing the mind.

A mind free from material subjugation starts developing the abstract gift called perceptivity. It slowly fades the passional influences of the lower nature; as for a game of mirrors it reflects and multiplies the reverberations of conscience making the mind less and less interested into the lower processes. With mental detachment the physical identity starts getting more refined.

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