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: Listening, Seeing, Thinking – the first initiatory virtues
Topic:Esotericism Reading
Esotericism ReadingIt is necessary to discover which instruments are contained in the Case of the Great Architect of the Universe, as the perennial Teaching tells us. This Case and its instruments are the real touchstone for the Apprentice Master.

Listening, Seeing, Thinking – the first initiatory virtues

Group synergy means first of all the ability to direct different skills to the same point.
In other words: concentration of different elements that in the unison grow exponentially.
The esoterical teaching shows that ‘the opposites are turned into complementary elements’.
In an operative group the opposites should be made complementary elements.
It is easier said than done until prejudices, opinions, points of view and preferences (emotional colors) predominate, either consciously or unconsciously.

This has happened, happens and will happen; none of us is exempt from it.
You will say that it’s all as expected, all known; to apply it, though, is another matter.
Detachment. Unless… the particular point of view is replaced by the will to reach the goal, that is the will to reach the abstract ideal. We need to pursue the ‘spirit of the project’ (the ideal) and not the particular that we like or that our (stupid) mind fancies.
In the idea we should avoid the fragment that brings ‘us’ out (pride). Even better, the part that brings out our point of view (arrogance).
A divulger of the perennial Teaching should talk as an initiate.
This is not so difficult, after all. Even parrots can learn difficult words.
The difficult thing is to act with the acumen of initiates, whose farsightedness is inimitable.
Acting as Disciples is paradoxically the most difficult part, because intelligent modesty is rare. In order to move it we must leave aside our (modest) reason by silencing ourselves and listen.

Listening (not only hearing), seeing (not only looking) and thinking (throwing the thought beyond ourselves, not only reasoning on our ideas) are the first instruments that fill the Case of the initiate.
We should discover which instruments are contained in the Case of the Great Architect of the Universe, as the perennial Teaching tells us.
This Case and its instruments are the real touchstone for the Apprentice Master.
Not what we like, or we believe or we imagine.
The small must imitate the big in order to grow.

Do we imitate it, or we rather imitate ourselves?

By Athos A. Altomonte

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