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: Importance of the inductive method
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & AnswerQ: If I may I would like to ask you a question on one of your writings [...] In your opinion, how much is actually perceived through study, even the most thorough and careful one, if this activity is not completed by interaction and live exchange that somehow determines, by the tone, presence and charisma (not only the meaning of words), the vibrations and perceptions that we can only have in a gathering of people (or souls)? [...] Personally I think that we must work just as thoroughly in order to prevent this from happening, through a ‘school’ of behavioral ethics that teaches us not to fall in the traps of our personality, which, especially at the lowest levels, we carry like a heavy burden…

Importance of the inductive method
by Athos A. Altomonte
© copyright by Esonet.it - Esonet.com

Q : If I may I would like to ask you a question on one of your writings [...] In your opinion, how much is actually perceived through study, even the most thorough and careful one, if this activity is not completed by interaction and live exchange that somehow determines, by the tone, presence and charisma (not only the meaning of words), the vibrations and perceptions that we can only have in a gathering of people (or souls)? [...] Personally I think that we must work just as thoroughly in order to prevent this from happening, through a ‘school' of behavioral ethics that teaches us not to fall in the traps of our personality, which, especially at the lowest levels, we carry like a heavy burden…

A : Dear Friend, I have tried to summarize your thought by highlighting two significant parts of your letter, which I am going to reply to. Whatever is perceived by the individual, it must go through his instinctive, natural, emotional, mental and cultural compatibility, before being comprehended by him. Therefore the sensation as well as the idea must necessarily go through all the traps of personality before being understood. This doesn't mean that the ideas or sensations intended are necessarily understood; and if they are it will not be a guarantee that they are assimilated in the structure of the conscience rather than the mind.

In other words, rather than a memory, the idea and sensation assimilated should form an impression of conscience that, on an individual level, allows not so much to impress the memory as to supply the seed for an instinctive reaction. Therefore the idea passed on can become a reaction. But for this reason, neither personal tone nor charisma can be of much help but in the emotional impression that supplies an idealistic and devotional drive, theoretical but not practical.

A method, or rather the method, is germination . This can occur through any receptive sensorial channel, such as sight. If the person, who writes or shows, moves words or gestures with creative talent, he creates images in the mind of the person that reads or watches. This flash of images causes mental impressions. Each impression works in the unconsciousness until it will re-surface on the normal waking conscience in the form of personal idea, after being elaborated. This idea, that is believed to be personal, is indeed induced by the unconscious elaboration, which leads to the complete assimilation of the idea or sensation that takes possession of it indefinitely. In other words, what is assimilated becomes permanent part of the structure of conscience of the person that perceived what has been passed on to him, even unconsciously. The result can be considered as a genuine example of conscience reaction.

In conclusion, rather than charisma, tone of voice or power of words, what counts is assimilation and it follows the germination of the idea on an unconscious level.

The ‘new popularizers' use this ‘mechanism' more and more, trying to germinate ideas of the appropriate kind in as many minds as possible (this is the matrix of white, but also black proselytism). The higher ranking idea will advance through the strength of its reflexes and reflections, going through sensations and ideas placed among the folds of individual conscience, up to creating a place appropriate to its model and measure.

Each idea or sensation tends by its nature to go back to the center that is more similar to the one that conceived it; therefore a coarse idea will tend to ‘fall below', towards the passion-emotional level (astral), whilst a higher ranking idea will always tend to join the Ego. In the latter instance, the process of assimilation and the following one of identification will facilitate the construction of the ‘Bridge' that joins the higher Ego to the physical personality.

Timing? Whatever it is necessary. It doesn't matter to know the timing, what's important is that the contact between two dissimilar elements (transmitted idea and receiving mind) occurs. Otherwise the conscience will remain silent.

If we compared initiatory proselytism to sowing, we could see the importance of an instrument like Esonet, viz. spreading ideas knowing that the idea will do the rest. This, though, doesn't mean to deny the importance of a charismatic presence at the center of an ‘ ethic School '; we are simply considering the widening of possibility and multiplication of occasions to support the ideals that we believe in and we dedicate our service to.

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