«We go to search for Sacred
Signs. We go carefully and
In silence.
People pass by. They laugh.
They summon us to follow. Others hurry on
In discontent. Others threaten us.
They want to seize what we possess.
The passers-by
Do not know that we have gone
To search for sacred signs. But
The threatening ones shall pass.
They have so much to do. But we
Shall search for Sacred Signs.
Nobody knows where
The Host has left His signs.
Very likely they are on the milestones
Beside the road.
Or in the flowers.
Or in the waves of the river.
We think that one can quest for them
In the cloudy vaults,
By the light of the sun, by the light of the
Moon. By the light of resin
And bonfire shall we search
For Sacred Signs.
We walk
A long time. Keenly we look.
Many people pass us by.
Verily, it seems to us, they
Know the command: to find
The Sacred Signs. Darkness falls.
It is difficult to discern
The way. Indistinguishable the paths.
Where can they be -
The Sacred Signs?.. Today, it may be
We shall not find them.
But tomorrow will be
Light. I know
We shall
See them.»