Everything has happened and is still happening in the field of inner investigation.
In some cases incoherent personalities become full of themselves with pride and ignorance.
This is the case, then, of longing for attention and dreams of omnipotence, namely astrality and low psychism.
The world is full of people ‘that are not called' from something or someone ‘higher' than them; if this happens there must be a reason.
Many of those who are still ‘asleep' don't know that the reason for the silence around them is their inability to be in the right conditions in order to be recognized ‘useful and necessary' for a particular Work. They are not ready therefore to reply to the worldwide Appeal.
Many of those who don't know or don't want to understand this reason read this limit like a censorship to their personality. They consider it a kind of lese-majesty (here are pride and ignorance) where their alleged particular qualities are not recognized; they see it as a limit that stops them from expressing ‘their determination' to say and do what they want.
If we understand that this freedom is often only anarchy, very few accept willingly to be ‘common'; they would like to be recognized straight away as ‘masters', it doesn't matter of what.
They can't find credit among ‘adults' and they climb a ‘pile of sand'; sitting on the top of it they think they've reached their initiatory empyrean. The characteristic of this ‘missed chiefs' is envy and polemic spite, typical aspects of the ‘rejected'.
In the fervor of defending one's own ‘esoterical market' they often exaggerate and reach lucid messianic folly. Psychiatric literature (I can guarantee it for my direct experience) is full of people who think they are talking to God or they are bearers of ‘messages' or ‘articles of faith' for the humankind. If we penetrate their thesis, though, the universality of their messages falls like a castle of cards destroyed by the provinciality of personal knowledge.
If we look at it from a practical point of view the matter is simple.
When we evaluate a divulger's theories we shouldn't do it on the basis of the like or dislike that his arguments inspire. We should count on the ability to ‘discriminate' the truth from what looks like it but it's actually false.
If this is not possible there is another way: the ‘recognition' of its ‘initiatory descent'. It is impossible to simulate a real ‘initiatory transmission' unless the person involved easily believes whatever is told without wondering about it.
Pupils, Disciples and Masters are all part of an initiatory Institution, which is an old order that gives teachings and acknowledges the advancements of its Adepts.
Therefore every initiatory School acknowledges to their Adepts a level of the hierarchic Ladder or Pyramid. It gives them ‘signs' so that they can recognize themselves and be recognized in any situation of the ‘external' activity.
The reason for this is not a pompous initiatory License but to defend themselves from people who could pretend to be their representatives and take advantage of it.
They are bad masters of the least dangerous species; they can only ‘catch' ‘still consciences'. The latter can be dangerous only to themselves by wasting time and delaying the moment of their ‘inner awakening'.
To waste time also means to use badly the energy of a life.
In conclusion, it is not a matter of ‘licenses'. If we remember the rule: by recognizing you will be recognized. When we are not able to distinguish the simile from the truth, I think the safest way is to see who's behind the divulger.
If he's on his own or if his only support is a ‘small group' of sympathizers tied by his charm, it's better to forget about him.
On the contrary, if the divulger is supported and guaranteed for by a universal School, Organization or Order, with a reputation beyond any ‘reasonable doubt', then we can give it a go.
Don't forget to proceed fast to the acquisition of an ‘impersonal Knowledge' which originates a fair ability for judgment and discrimination.