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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Initiation, hammers and chisels
by (2834 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Decline of a religious dream
by (2841 reads)
Question & Answer…Where has the dialogue with Catholic Church got to?
…What was the historical reason driving Popes to excommunicate?... Shouldn’t it be time to cancel this excommunication?
Why many exponents of Catholic Church hierarchy still confirm an "excommunication" for Catholics registered in lodges?...

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Critical responsibility of initiatory praxis
by (2786 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Use_of_languages The tower of Babel of languages
by (2891 reads)
Question & AnswerWays, you know, are endless. They’re as many as mind’s languages and interpretations. All of them can be useful, but only a few are actually real. So we have to tell the real things from their images. An attraction or sympathy are not enough for a reflection to come true

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry How the occult name originates for every person
by (2769 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Freemasonry and Nazism
by (2606 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Esoteric use of words
by (3217 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Decline of Masonic colonialism
by (3088 reads)
Question & AnswerA “political split” between U.S. rites and the Grand Lodge of England has begun since a long time. More and more American brothers don’t accept to be considered as “second” by a “higher” English Obedience. This one claims to own a sort of historical Masonic copyright, so it’s firmly convinced to give out priorities, pre-emptions and regularity licences.

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Gelli: an Italian anomaly
by (2636 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Initiation and male and female initiation
by (2698 reads)
Question & AnswerQ.: …I need to understand better the theme of the female initiation… certain obediences have mixed lodges… A.

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