Welcome to Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings
------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Question&Answer > Teosophy The right of the Woman to her History
by (2472 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy The Word on the breath and the spiritual Communion
by (2490 reads)
Question & AnswerThe Unique Tradition is so called because it re-joins in Itself the Mystical and Sacerdotal characteristics to those of Wisdom and Mysteriosophy. It makes this sum the “vehicle” of the major Initiation.

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Question&Answer > Teosophy The Way of the Sword
by (2753 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Advancing in order to return
by (2744 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Questions on the theosophical Teaching
by (2743 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Rainbow Bridge or Antahkarana
by (3018 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Integrating spirit and matter
by (2812 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Practical use of 1st and 2nd Ray
by (3033 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy Defending the Teaching is defending the Master
by (2628 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy The six stages for the construction of the Antahkaran
by (2613 reads)
Question & AnswerSix phases and six evolutionary stages are necessary in order to build that “bridge of conscience” that creates the relation between the human Being that “aims” to the full liberation and illumination and his own spiritual Monad.

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