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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Other principles of esoteric Philosophy
by (2928 reads)
Question & Answer...the superior energetic essence is able to express itself in a physical form: why? …according to which principles does this energy ‘decide' which form to take?

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Question&Answer > The margins of the greater Brothers
by (2896 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Dear Athos, I would like to analyze thoroughly the meaning of ‘preparation’, ‘the highest possible model’ and ‘the common margins of universality’.

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Question&Answer > Sense of the soul and initiatory impersonality
by (3511 reads)
Question & AnswerInitiatory research doesn’t respond to personal needs, but to much deeper drives. Whoever starts the journey in search of the ‘golden fleece’ is not only an Argonaut, but an instrument of the deep conscience (soul). A researcher of ‘light’ cannot help receiving and giving ‘love’.

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Question&Answer > Seven-fold interpretation of the inner evolutionary system
by (3601 reads)
Question & Answer...the humankind is going through an involutional period and...a new ‘man’ will grow from the ashes of the old one...A great knowledge got lost in the mists of time...the Atlantean race was destined to the development of the Astral body and so on going back to all the others...

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Question&Answer > The Maze of Knowledge
by (3639 reads)
Question & AnswerDear Athos, I am studying your work with pleasure and interest. It definitely reminds me of some esoteric books I read a long time ago...

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Question&Answer > The 'Trial of Fire'
by (3168 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: …May I ask you to describe the ‘Trial of Fire’ in detail? Thank you. R.

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Question&Answer > Motor disability and Freemasonry
by (3374 reads)
Question & Answer...Basically ... I think I understand that there are two ‘souls’ in Freemasonry: a ‘worldly’ ... and an ‘esoterical’ one...

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Question&Answer > Qualifying one's own thought
by (3039 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Perhaps our inner journey is carried out inside the heart (Heart = Soul = Sun) and not in the head (Brain = Spirit = Moon)?

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Question&Answer > On initiatory conscience
by (3040 reads)
Question & AnswerSome questions arise spontaneously. Must Reawakening be intended as the growth and strengthening of human abilities? Or is it to be intended as a reawakening of supernatural abilities?

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Question&Answer > What do you want to become?
by (3540 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: After winter comes spring; likewise after death comes life. It is a continuous cycle that will last forever! The end will be the same as the beginning, because there is no end and no beginning, there is no first or last, the future will reach in the past...

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176 Stories (18 Pages, 10 Per Page)
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