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![Question & Answer](images/topics/QA.jpg) | Inconsistency of virtual initiations |
... what I think, but that is my opinion, is that a true initiatory organization should never refuse the initiation to those who prove to be spiritually suitable to receive it only because they cannot afford the enrolment and a monthly fee that is beyond their possibilities. Not all initiatory organizations are the same. Fortunately there are some, in my experience, which are within everyones reach, rich and poor.
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![Freemasonry](images/topics/UF.jpg) | Imago Templi / 6.20 |
The Number Ten, Harmony and the achievement of the complete state of Being.
With this paragraph we enter the 3rd Level of interpretation, that of Initiate Master Builder.
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![Freemasonry](images/topics/UF.jpg) | The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the geometry of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiates Psyche in the allegory.
On the contrary of what we think, it is necessary to refuse and disown the exoteric isolation of the High ritual Chambers and to understand the invisible connections of the initiatory activities through which Esoteric Philosophy joins in the Scottish Pyramid the commitment of initiates of different levels and abilities.
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![Freemasonry](images/topics/UF.jpg) | The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the geometry of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiates Psyche in the allegory.
When in the evolution of the Human Kingdom the air element of the thought got in contact with the fire element of the spirit, an aqueous and voluble element appeared in the lower levels of the mind; it still accompanies Personality up to its complete individualization. |
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![Question & Answer](images/topics/QA.jpg) | Anamnesis of the inner reawakening |
... I wonder if being an initiate represents the "sine qua non" condition... or isn't it enough to have a pure and simple love for knowledge, beyond any material interest.
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![Freemasonry](images/topics/UF.jpg) | The Journey through the Great Work /2.3 |
The constitution of Lesser and Greater languages in the esoteric Commentaries Of the manipulation of the Teaching Profanation of the Mysteries By recognizing you will be recognized
All the elements through which the relative comprehension of the whole reality is developed are included in the teachings that are traditionally called esoteric Commentaries. Commentaries and Books of Truth, passed on through ordinary ways, have all been subjected to deep manipulations, because the exoteric hierarchies have always tried to demonstrate that they were their true representatives, reducing them up to the point of containing them within their authority. |
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![Esotericism Reading](images/topics/ER1.jpg) | Echoes of illusion |
I have always liked realistic, practical and operative esotericism, rather than the pompous and melodramatic lyricism of generic esotericism, which has the only purpose of emphasizing banal fragments of egocentrism.
Those who prefer to dream rather than to do, are worried about erecting more and more oligarchic utopias. Also because talking is easy and doesnt cost much, on the contrary of doing that costs everything, even life.
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![Question & Answer](images/topics/QA.jpg) | Decline of Masonic colonialism |
A political split between U.S. rites and the Grand Lodge of England has begun since a long time. More and more American brothers dont accept to be considered as second by a higher English Obedience. This one claims to own a sort of historical Masonic copyright, so its firmly convinced to give out priorities, pre-emptions and regularity licences. |
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![Eastern Esotericism Reading](images/topics/LettOriente1.jpg) | Binary matrix of the karmic mechanism |
In physics, the third law of motion states that to every action corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. Although with a very remote origin, we find the same principle in the fundaments of the karmic postulate. It states that every event originates from a cause and the effect can be annulled only by annulling the cause that manifested it. From this philosophical equation originates the term karma corresponding to the correlation between cause and effect. |
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![Freemasonry](images/topics/UF.jpg) | Imago Templi / Book V |
The Inviolability of the Ceremonial Mystery The Esoteric Symbology of the Candle Ritual Fires The Menorah The Planets of the Menorah
Following our observations in the previous chapter, we should get used to consider, in all the aspects that make all Ceremonials in every Rite or belief, the presence of the apparent ambivalence of white and black, sacred and profane, as an effect of mans manipulation on the elements that determine, through the desired goals, the pole of quality in its exterior manifestation.
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![Hidden History](images/topics/HH.jpg) | Short study on the Templar seal and motto |
"Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam"
The motto expresses the note inspired by devotion, consistent with the Martian nature of the order, as we will see later, when studying the seal. The invocation doesnt leave any doubts about the conceptual object at the center of ones choice as affiliated, represented by the order; indeed the use of us depersonalizes the individual and leaves room for a group conscience represented only by the Order. |
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![Question & Answer](images/topics/QA.jpg) | Skin clothes |
...from Genesis, 3/21-24, And the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skins, and clothed them. [] Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken. [] Could there be a relation with the Masonic apron, which at the beginning was made of skin? |
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