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| Inconsistency of virtual initiations |
... what I think, but that is my opinion, is that a true initiatory organization should never refuse the initiation to those who prove to be spiritually suitable to receive it only because they cannot afford the enrolment and a monthly fee that is beyond their possibilities. Not all initiatory organizations are the same. Fortunately there are some, in my experience, which are within everyones reach, rich and poor.
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| Imago Templi / 6.20 |
The Number Ten, Harmony and the achievement of the complete state of Being.
With this paragraph we enter the 3rd Level of interpretation, that of Initiate Master Builder.
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| The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the geometry of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiates Psyche in the allegory.
On the contrary of what we think, it is necessary to refuse and disown the exoteric isolation of the High ritual Chambers and to understand the invisible connections of the initiatory activities through which Esoteric Philosophy joins in the Scottish Pyramid the commitment of initiates of different levels and abilities.
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| The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the geometry of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiates Psyche in the allegory.
When in the evolution of the Human Kingdom the air element of the thought got in contact with the fire element of the spirit, an aqueous and voluble element appeared in the lower levels of the mind; it still accompanies Personality up to its complete individualization. |
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| Anamnesis of the inner reawakening |
... I wonder if being an initiate represents the "sine qua non" condition... or isn't it enough to have a pure and simple love for knowledge, beyond any material interest.
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| Esotericism and alimentary praxis |
Esoterically the human being is made by mineral substance, animal substance, psychic substance and spiritual substance.
The nourishment that feeds the physical body contains characteristics and radiations of the birthplace that, once absorbed, stabilize in the cells and determine their organic-emotional characteristics.
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| Bataille, Nietzschean mystic of the eternal return |
Almost all French philosophers always tried to read Nietzsche in parallel with Sade, not only along the axis Freud-Marx. The will to power and the superman are well connected with the transgressive subjectivism ratiocentric or psychotic-oneiric of the French libertine. There isnt such a good connection with the Eternal Return, which is apparently a break in the Nietzschean thought. At least until Bataille; he builds his Nietzschean reading on what has been an element of difficult harmonization with the rest of the thought of the German philosopher. |
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| Solomons scales of justice |
Before we study a symbol of ancient wisdom, we should consider that it is not easy to establish exactly who created it first. The study is even more difficult if we consider that every symbol of ancient wisdom is layered with exoteric implications given by the formal meanings added during the time after their creation. These implications are characterized by the promiscuous uses of exoteric cultures that have hidden the original meaning of the symbol.
Therefore the Adept knows too well that the symbol is not an image of culture but the clue of an old idea.
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| Sense of the soul and initiatory impersonality |
Initiatory research doesnt respond to personal needs, but to much deeper drives. Whoever starts the journey in search of the golden fleece is not only an Argonaut, but an instrument of the deep conscience (soul). A researcher of light cannot help receiving and giving love.
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| Study on the role of leader |
The purpose of this article is to inspire a reflection on the idea of group, cohesion and in particular of work group, highlighting the positive aspects and interpersonal dynamics that it expresses. Cooperation and group work are a priority in many organizations. Working as a group is not always easy; it can be difficult to start with, but it pays back because it leads to success for everyone. |
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| Ancient mysteries and the New Era part 2 |
Inside the Egyptian sacerdotal caste there was a double level: on one side the wide external circle of priests, believers and all those who wanted to approach knowledge and occult sciences; on the other side a close circle that could be accessed through a rite of initiation. Something similar happened in Greece; from many authoritative sources we know about the myth of Eleusis, where initiations to Small and Great Mysteries occurred. |
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| Clothe the naked. Why? |
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