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Mental Alchemy: From the aura of the universe to the individual aura
Topic:Alchemy of Fire
Alchemy of Fire"what is above is what is below". No other precept could be more suitable to the argument of this essay, in which we illustrate the affinity between the great aura of the universe and the aura of man.

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From the aura of the universe to the individual aura
That is: what is above is what is below

The aura of the universe and the Trinitarian principle

Before dealing with the subject it is important to observe its real dimensions. To make it simple we will use, as usual, the pictorial language (see article). We will start from the old metaphor of the creation based on three energetic aspects. The old brahminic caste called this Trinitarian principle trimurti , whilst Western people called it trinity.

First Aspect (the Mother aspect)

Let's think of the universe like a huge sphere of energy that contains every form and phenomenon in manifestation. This sphere is the aura of the universe and it guarantees the balance of every characteristic of the creation. Its periphery is a ring of attracting energy that contains, by holding it, the expanding force of the inner space; otherwise it would explode and dissolve all that it contains.

Second Aspect

It is the expanding energy that tends to develop (the Father aspect) by dilating and deforming the external perimeter of the universe. On this matter, it is necessary to specify that it is indeed daring to think that “our” universe is the only possible one. In fact, if the universe expands dilating its boundaries, it means that outside there is more space allowing it to get bigger.

Third aspect

The continuous action of expansion and contraction generates within the space a motion (the Son aspect) that Easterners call “breath of Brahma”. This is the metaphor of God that emanates and withdraws the universe by breathing; therefore it appears and disappears cyclically.

The universe is the biggest aura we can think of. It is an energetic tank that contains many great emanations (galaxies) that, on their turn, contain minor emanations such as stars and solar systems. At this point we are at our solar system that we represent by using an old teaching.

what is above is what is below …

Let's try and draw a first conclusion. The universe is a big aura that, like the small human aura, contains as many minor emanations as the frequency-planes of its energy. This means that the density of the energy is determined by the speed of its motion; it also means that the slower it moves the denser it becomes and eventually it turns into matter.

Athos A. Altomonte

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