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UniversalFreemasonry: The silence that doesn’t hurt
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & Answer

The silence that doesn’t hurt

Dear Brother, the reading you offered could be emotionally shared, but only emotionally. Because from a realistic point of view the “wise men” mentioned by the author, as far as I am aware, are moved by active optimism. They seem quiet or invisible only because they are tolerant towards those who are not initiates.

Therefore it is audacious to put the sense of “wisdom” near to the adjectives and the strong words used by the author. Definitions like idiots or charlatans endlessly repeated are not a sign of a refined culture indeed, but of a Manichaean spite typical of a people’s agitators.

Besides, saying that the language is very poor, it is risky to think that “wise men”, precisely because they are wise, might exchange hypothesis which are as much suggestive as pessimistic.

For ages, according to them, the keystone of the Service for the Benefit of the Humankind has not been the reprimand or, worse, the regret for what has been divulged, but rather the “restoration of the Ancient Mysteries”, that is their “exteriorization” in the suitable forms.

This means the preparation of media (divulgers – initiates) suitable to the need.

They must be able to pass down what is gradually thought necessary to be divulged, without marks, impressions or personal sympathies (emotional hints).

The essay is full of disapproval, but the “wise men” prefer the silence that doesn’t hurt.

The initiate is not subdued by pessimism because he has replaced it with reasonable expectation, supported by the spirit of self-sacrifice, the empathy (to understand others’ needs) and altruism. In this way he can act with careful benevolence in an Unknown Work that is live and real despite being unknown.

It is worthy mentioning that in the Unknown (to the profanes) Work the corner stone to measure the “wise man” is intellectual and spiritual uniformity, that is the heart of the universal brotherly Chain and the Initiatory Communion that expresses it.

Beware not to confuse initiatory uniformity with profane conformism!

The initiatory uniformity is not the rule that silences the individual thought of the apprentice “who can’t distinguish”. It is not something that stops free initiative in the work of service towards oneself or others.

Let’s start from the principle according to which everybody becomes what is able to think (level of reason) or what he wants (level of will) or he even ends up being similar to what he wants the most (emotional or astral level). The uniformity of thought intended in an initiatory way, then, is the process of inner acknowledgement, tending towards the conscience apex able to reach the top of the Idea, which is the archetypical meaning of every idea, in which the ideal abilities of the individual are highlighted.

At the top of the Idea (archetypical meaning) there aren’t any interpretative differentiations or perceptive separations, because who reaches the top of the thought is able to perceive the essence directly observing it (see knowledge through contact). It is impossible to have difformities and dissimilar opinions as a result of a view that we might call “impersonal”. Therefore, if from intellectual purity the same deductions can be drawn, these must necessarily be harmonious and uniform, even though in the highest sense of the word.

Those who know the fundaments of the Psycho synthesis will have already recognized the principles of what has been said.

Finally, I’ll remind a popular motto: fools rush in where angels fear to tread. This is an effective warning for those who want to deal with subjects they don’t know about, or for those who want to act as angels without their wit
We can still appreciate the willingness of the neophyte. It is commendable even if in the initiatory science good will without competence often causes more trouble than unmoving ignorance.

Esonet Editorial Staff

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