The mirror of others
I hope I haven’t caused too much of a storm with my intervention... if
I’ve caused frictions or trouble I sincerely apologize.
Dear friend, every contribution, as long as correct in the form and sincere
in the intentions, becomes a window open to the world “of the others”
which allows us to understand what they think and how they are.
And it is a window that should be accepted because it breaks the mental isolation
caused by prejudices and individual opinions, both ours and of others.
Intellectual interaction is made of a reciprocal exchange of ideas, feelings
and even fears.
Because of this, if we accept to be open to confrontation with dissimilar
ideas with intelligent modesty and without fear of “losing”
the lumber of unfounded cultures and inexplicable opinions, we can become aware
of our mental narrowness and fossilization.
An honest confrontation is the mirror which reflects us and others. It is
the mirror that reflects the differences in points of view, strengths and weaknesses
of reciprocal ideas. It contributes to the confrontation with what is different;
if used without pride, this is a precious means for understanding. It produces
true intellectual enrichment, originating «measured and conscious»
ideas (this is true, this is not) which will replace separative, impulsive or
passional opinions (I like this, I don’t like this) which, on the contrary,
only enrich the pride of the small physical ego.
Through different points of view we can review and amplify every idea. This
means “growing” in the «four directions».
As you know, profane orientation and initiatory re-orientation are two different
and nearly irreconcilable aspects. They can be re-joined only in the so-called
“Service for the Benefit (as antithesis of badness) of Humanity”.
It must not be mixed up with the tendency to be a ‘goody-two-shoes’
or the devotion, as it often happens.
In fact, the “Service for the Benefit of Humanity” is not an attitude,
but a White Work of very high level. It is a Great Work (see Consecration of
the Mater Matter, the Widow), in which the material action joins the spiritual
Project. The elitist aspect of the Initiate is to participate with it, which
is to be called to it.
Going back to your «preventive apologies» I’ll tell you that
there’s no need for it. Like other people you have sincerely expressed
your opinion. “Everything right and perfect”, then.
Indeed, after the different interventions, today it is fair to think that in
the artistic, scientific and religious fields there is more than just materialism,
fantasy and imagination.
Mental abstraction and intellectual inspiration converge on the so-called “intangible
side” of Ideas. The initiate, the true esoterist, is the bridge-maker
(Ars Pontificia) able to build “bridges” between physical conscience
(concrete knowledge) and metaphysical one (incorporeal knowledge) of the Idea.
It seems impossible or highly blunt that someone, still nowadays prefers to
“embrace” only one side of knowledge rejecting and ignoring the
other one.
It means being “blind in one eye” either the absolute rationalist
(materialist) or the absolute mystic (devotional). It is a division that impoverishes
both mind and spirit.
I remember an old metaphor that said: «...heart and head go together
and in harmony the inner voice will grow... (the conscience of self as a spiritual
It’s a shame because in this way we will see only one half of the essence
and existence in their varied functions. This will lead not only to a half-vision,
but also to blind, deviant and aberrant interpretations. From a logical point
of view monsters, as a matter of fact. And it is a real “shame”
to originate “monster-thoughts”.
Fraternally Esonet Editorial Staff