The dark side of ourselves
Question: I have read the article "Towards the
inner transmutation" and I think that it is necessary to clarify
the “process” to follow in order to reach the “initiatory
metamorphosis”. What to do… how… For how long… where…
And then… It is necessary to explain why it is so difficult to know the
“dark side” of ourselves. What are the obstacles that interfere
in the reaching of the “illumination”.
Answer: Dear friend, thank you for the questions to which
I will try and answer in brief.
For obvious reasons a wise man sticks to an idea and he tries and illustrates
it as best as he can. In that case the word “towards” expresses
an indication and not a conclusion.
Your questions are appropriate but the subject is vast. So much that it can’t
be dealt with in a unique work, unless it is a book. Therefore many questions
are fragmented in as many answers that make the numerous essays we publish.
This is our method for divulging.
On the subject of illumination, for example, we have already published a lot.
The same for the initiatory metamorphosis, that is often called metallic
transmutation (metal as a metaphor of feelings, emotions, ideas
to transform in order to grow inside). But you are right, we haven’t
got to the point of saying “how to do it” yet.
Indeed we have plenty of ready material to illustrate thoroughly the method
of the process of transformation so-called “Initiation”. But for
many reasons they haven’t been published yet.
Let’s say, then, that we haven’t started divulging the best
part of our archives yet.
See, dear friend, it happens that for many western esotericists the “initiatory
practice” is a game not to be taken too seriously. It is only a simulation
that doesn’t bring either duties or responsibilities.
This is not true, though. It happens, instead, that only few of us try and
be “educated” to “move” in the initiatory teaching that
we don’t understand although we read it.
Therefore these people think it is wise to educate the reader to the fundamental
meanings of the “mysteries” before opening to him the operating
schemes of the “Secret Doctrine”.
Said that, it is clear our intention of divulging completely the formulas
of the “ancient mysteries” through words that can be understood
by the modern culture. This intention is quite obvious in the Esonet’s
Manifesto, which you can find in our website.
If you read it you will realize how far away the “Esonet Project”
starts from and what it tends to for the future.
I will resume in a few words what is necessary to do for any researcher who
makes his way on the initiatory path.
1) find the instruments to build one’s work (see the article: Psyche,
the first instrument of the Initiate).
2) learn to ac-knowledge in order to understand, that is to educate oneself
in order to grow and change oneself through a progressive process of spiritual
alchemy (see article).
3) the transformation is necessary, most of all, to strengthen the mind and
expand the conscience, in order for the initiate to refuse the dark
part of himself (the physical personality or material self) and on
the other hand to acknowledge the enlightening part of himself
(soul and spiritual conscience).
This is, in brief, what is necessary to understand before making one’s
way towards the unknown destinations of the soul.
It is necessary to understand that the best “instrument”
for ourselves is ourselves, with all that we contain and we still don’t
In the hope of having being useful to you
Fraternal regards Esonet Editorial Staff