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: Alchemy of a deep Love
Topic:Alchemy of Fire
Alchemy of Fire“To distinguish the humid from the dry path - Feminine and masculine, two aspects of the brain - Alchemy of a deep love”

Alchemy of a deep Love

“To distinguish the humid from the dry path - Feminine and masculine, two aspects of the brain - Alchemy of a deep love”


Metaphors are imaginary representations used to hide great natural and spiritual realities. On the subject of ‘myths’, a scholar wrote that “…man dreams and when his dreams are shared by other people, myths and legends originate”. It is difficult to draw a shared reality from them, because the value of words changes depending on the intellectual abilities of man. Therefore a different ability to understand brings a transformation of meanings, causing the confusion in languages represented in the myth of the Babel’s Tower. In this work we will try and perfect the idea of masculine and feminine.

To distinguish the humid from the dry path
The humid or lunar way indicates a part of the evolutionary journey where conscience is focused on physical experience (physical conscience) and the satisfaction of its material needs. It is the time for free, but unconscious choices. Indeed, when we obscure the so called spiritual aspect, the physical-animal nature stops the development of the mental qualities linked to a subtle sensitivity (Subtle conscience). This is the dark world where thought, subtle in itself, is prisoner of physical matter.
The dry or solar way is the part of evolution where the most important thing is the mental clearness originated by the subtle conscience. On the light of intelligence, inner darkness disappears; it reaches the necessary brightness to overwhelm (dry out) the humid impulses of the lower nature (see passional humors). Here free will appears. At this moment the subtle conscience guides the mind to wider and more efficient decisions (see universal mind). It is incorrect to say that the humid way is feminine, whilst the dry way is masculine, because sex is not involved in inner directions.

Sex is an instinctive instrument of reason; it can become a means to address its aggressiveness in the best way. On the other hand its energy can be subdued by the conscious will, becoming the propeller to increase mental qualities and abilities (see superior mind). As a consequence, where and how to address the energetic action depends on the individual’s discernment, not on his/her genitals. Once excluded the link between initiatory way and sexual gender, the relation with the human being must be found in the type of direction chosen, because the latter drives the functions of a particular area of the brain.

Feminine and masculine, two aspects of the brain
Feminine and Masculine represent two cerebral polarities where the attention of the individual is focused. The right lobe of the brain is called passive and feminine side, because it exalts in the personality the introflexed, perceptive and sensitive aspect of the thought that it receives and absorbs. The left lobe is called active and masculine side, because it exalts in the personality the everted, dynamic and analytical aspect of the thought that it projects and explores.
This is true for man and woman. Although natural tendencies produce a higher activity in one of the two cerebral areas, the differences wouldn’t appear so big if they were not highlighted by the culture, which divides the masculine from the feminine gender according to artificial social criteria. Therefore, the differences highlighted by predetermined social separations make the classification on pre-established roles fictitious. As a consequence, without having verified the actual potentialities, the unions between men and women are often based on the search for conditions of wellbeing and superficial understanding.

The Initiates are always interested in the alchemic side of the union between Man and Woman. They know well that before forming a couple they should complete the unity themselves, unifying their complementary aspects. In order to have an external understanding, the balance between masculine and feminine must be reached by the individual first of all. The determining act is to focus the mind on the middle part of the brain, which in old times has been symbolized by the Third Eye. In other works we will describe the ways to develop the inner vision (see exercises of visualization). For a start, man should develop his receptive sensitivity (feminine), whilst woman should develop the will to keep consistent the explorative attention on the environment (masculine).

Finally, if Men and Women reflected their best features into each other (see initiatory speculum), they would reciprocally educate on the different virtues; a shared path would then have a meaning which hasn’t been reached by any initiatory Institution yet.

Being interiorly similar, Man and Woman make an imperfect union, whilst if they complete themselves they can realize an accomplished union. The virtue of inner balance goes beyond the personal sphere and reaches the universal one when, initiatorily educated, Men and Women can become fathers and mothers able to transmit the same balance to their children. The latter will then able to start their path of life from a point above the confusion of ideas typical of the profane world. This is a true ‘service to the humankind’; spiritual and initiatory Communions should turn to the direction of this value.

Alchemy of a deep love
The human being is made by contiguous realities. Despite the fact that ‘flesh, mind and spirit’ are communicating realities, no sexual act can be ‘sacred’. Nevertheless, we can elevate its principle by giving it a feeling of deep love. In this case, the idea of deep love that joins two souls in a unique will and destiny is ‘sacred’.

A deep love can transform the hormonal chemistry in energy of thought; at its top, despite being human, it reaches the boundary of spiritual, angelic and asexual love. It is necessary to have high discernment abilities, besides the knowledge of spiritual Alchemy, which exalts the human essence and makes it rarefied and subtle. It is clear now that it is not the sexual act to get close to the spiritual dimension, but rather the desire for sexual satisfaction to turn into generosity and altruism. It makes people enjoy the happiness of the other and it turns the sexual energy into energy that enlightens the hearts by joining body, mind and spirit. These are the necessary conditions to build a sacred union.

Athos A. Altomonte

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