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: Rings of Strength
FreemasonryThe mental strength of a man becomes a ring of strength that, by joining with other rings, makes an energetic chain whose combination of strength and quality equals the sum of the rings. The similitude in this instance is very important; a different mental intensity prevents the rings from communicating and makes the strength of will, mind and conscience intransmissible. If the rings are compatible, on the other hand, the chain is strong and its energy can build an eggregore.

Rings of Strength

Mental aggregation and eggregore are assonant concepts. The reason is that the identity of a human conscience is the result of an aggregation of thoughts; likewise an eggregore is the result of an aggregation of human identities. By developing aggregations we can create rings of strength and energetic chains.

Mental fragmentation

The common mind is made of a multitude of uncoordinated and often conflicting ‘solos’. Thoughts struggle between certainty and uncertainty; pieces of information and opinions merge, likewise the ‘many ourselves’ played in social roles. Each fragment fights to prevail but by mixing and overlapping each other they confuse man’s identity. At this point existential questions appear: who I really am, what do I want, what do I do? This fragmentation creates a leopard-skin conscience. Namely, a conscience that knows a bit of everything, but nothing too well.
Mental fragmentation is such a spread problem that it is accepted and forgotten about. The solution is in mental organization, which for many people starts from organizing ideas. This is what they try and do. After further reflection, though, there is a more powerful solution.
Apart from intuitive ideas, which are a separate issue, ideas originate from a particular mental vision. This leads us to the conclusion that, rather than organizing ideas, we might start by changing their perspective and go from a subjective vision to a vision of the whole.

Mental organization
Mental organization leads to synthetic thought, that is a synonym of intellectual harmony; this is the only aspect able to contain and show all the elements of a subject at the same time. This mechanism can be strengthened with many advantages and very few contraindications. Its development is in the mental vision.

What we normally use is the subjective vision, used by people who interpret ‘something or someone’ according to their point of view. It is produced by egocentrism and focuses on the opinions and prejudices of the observer.
The objective vision is a detached observation, which focuses on the reality of what and who is seen or heard; it respects the centrality of its characteristics.

Once the observer is detached from particular attractions, he starts perceiving the vision of the whole which, technically, is the ability to join many particular visions.
In other words, it is the ability to join several perspectives and draw a synthesis. For example, with a camera we can’t capture an image bigger than the lens; therefore the lens reduces a bigger landscape. In man, mental vision is the lens.

If we want a bigger image we can rely on a wide-angle lens. However big the lens or the mental vision is, though, it will never be able to include a whole landscape. At this point the photographer uses another method. He forms a sequence of images and he puts them next to each other to reproduce the whole landscape. If we apply the photographic system to a mental idea, we can figure out what a vision of the whole means. In other words, it means to visualize a sequence of impressions and then join them together in a synthesis.

Synthesis and mental re-organization
Synthesis and vision of the whole, therefore, are the result of mental aggregation; its strength equals the strength of concentration that man is able to reach. The problem is that man’s mind is not an interchangeable lens. To modify the vision we must work on the mental structure, which is a unique mixture of characteristics. Despite it being unique, every mind undergoes certain rules which can be used to help the changes.
One of the rules is that a deficient will can only produce an indefinite conscience and a mind not inclined to specialization. The other one is that a mature will originates a conscience ready to expand and a mind able to specialize, open to intellectual growth. This is why the specialization in the vision of the whole, rather than narrowing the mental field, can re-organize ideas and reinvigorates their structure.

Rings of strength
The mental strength of a man becomes a ring of strength that, by joining with other rings, makes an energetic chain whose combination of strength and quality equals the sum of the rings. The similitude in this instance is very important; a different mental intensity prevents the rings from communicating and makes the strength of will, mind and conscience intransmissible. If the rings are compatible, on the other hand, the chain is strong and its energy can build an eggregore.

By definition, an eggregore is the spirit of a group. It is the total of the energy that a group of men can bring in a ring of intentions (chain of intentions), which can have different levels and qualities.
As we have already said, quality and power of a chain are not a choice, but the result of the energy-thought poured in by its components. Therefore if the conscience of the participants is scarce, nothing can increase the quality of the eggregore, which never exceeds the will of its components.
Different kinds of aggregation give as many kinds of eggregore. There are aggregations based on desires, economic interests, concrete and religious ideals, passion and ideologies. These are the most common. There are also refined aggregations with subtle eggregores, supported by intellectual contents or by abstract and spiritual ideals.

The eggregore is the idea around which consents aggregate
Ideas can be awful or sublime; the components of the chain can be many, few or very few. None of these elements changes the mechanism of its creation. The eggregore can be the mediocre heart of a mediocre group or the extraordinary spirit of an excellent and valuable group.

Its activity as well depends on the qualities of the group. An energetically anemic group will originate a weak and faded eggregore. There aren’t any means, method or instrument that can improve its quality, unless the quality of conscience of the group improves.
Sometimes eggregores are said to be ethereal, astral, devotional or spiritual. Yet, they are not aspects of the eggregore, but they belong to the men who make them. The best ones are those originated by developing consciences, because they ooze will to grow and they have abandoned the conventional coverings. We can’t reach self-realization by saying “everybody does this” or “I think, say and do like others do”. This is demonstrated by a characteristic of the initiatory path: anti-conformism. An advanced conscience is not influenced by the common behavior; indeed, it proposes ideas that the conformist considers against the stream (read “tarot Nr…. the fool”). If this didn’t happen, what would be the difference between an initiate and a conformist?
Starting from the principle that an eggregore is generated from ideas rather than from fictitious ceremonies, everybody can aspire to become a ring of strength able to concentrate and distribute subtle forces (thoughts). This is a very good reason to start developing a vision of the whole.

By Athos A. Altomonte

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