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: Debts and credits of the ‘many ourselves’
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & AnswerThe fact that language can be complex and affected or simple and within the reach of people who don’t know Italian very well, is something that concerns knowledge, notions, school. In other words, it is at the level of brain and reason, whilst Knowledge and Wisdom can be found in people who can’t even read. There are many examples of illiterate Wise men. Doesn’t the use of an ‘educated language’ risk the exclusion of people on the basis of their knowledge of Italian?

Debts and credits of the ‘many ourselves'
by Athos A. Altomonte
© copyright by Esonet.it - Esonet.com

: …when I talk about ‘educated language' ... I don't mean that we must talk about obvious materiality.

‘Simple' doesn't mean ‘obvious'. Things can be said in different ways: we can use the simple way (which is not a synonym of banal) or we can use a grammar at the level of a university language and, when the same concept appears several times in the same text, it can be expressed by different synonyms instead of using the same word, taking for granted that everybody has a wide vocabulary that allows him to know all the terms used.

The usefulness of examples, tales and fables with a moral is precisely to allow ignorant people to understand concepts. These methods use ‘ beauty as a ray of understanding' - as mentioned in the article called ‘Simplicity' (*) published on your website.

The fact that language can be complex and affected or simple and within the reach of people who don't know Italian very well, is something that concerns knowledge, notions, school. In other words, it is at the level of brain and reason, whilst Knowledge and Wisdom can be found in people who can't even read. There are many examples of illiterate Wise men. Doesn't the use of an ‘educated language' risk the exclusion of people on the basis of their knowledge of Italian?

: Dear friend, I don't think that ‘Simplicity' is related to narrowness; of language, cognition, knowledge or anything else that can be transformed into knowledge.

Simplicity is similar to Synthesis (see). Synthesis is never restrictive, but it distinctly preserves every meaning that it attracts in a common conceptual center. Therefore it is a complex concept that, in order to be revisited, must be ‘reopened' in all the meanings (and ideas) that make its structure and substance .

This is what I have been taught and what I have tirelessly devoted myself to before conceiving sensible questions to ask my Instructor. Most of my personal education developed on these questions. This is a good system: question-answer, again question-answer and so on until exhaustion.

The M. Morya that you quote said that if being a vegetarian was a condition to become an initiate, all elephants would be as such.

If simplicity ( which is not a form of devotional ingenuousness ) rests on ignoring the basic notions of understanding, this simplicity is pure ‘nothing'.

But the vacuum-nothing is not the nothing.

The vacuum-nothing is a dimension of conscience (a result of the renunciation to profane ideas ) of those who have gone ‘beyond themselves'. The nothing, on the contrary, belongs to those who are still focused on the darkness of the mind.

The illuminated mind is simple, but how many people can conceive it? How many people are in the condition to understand the point of view of a buddhi? I am not.

Some people think that in order to be accepted by a Master it is sufficient to mention him and adore him by burning incense or singing chants. Nothing could be more wrong. In order to be accepted by an initiatory School ‘empty hands' are not enough.

In order to understand this, we should comprehend the meaning of the ‘trials' that a Postulant, or rather someone on Probation, has to overcome. They are not easy at all, because on the ‘ Path of Return ' nothing is given for free and all recognitions must be ‘earned' with work and determination. The results are not the chatters or the good intentions of a merely ‘spoken' goodness.

What counts is the overcoming of the ‘obstacles' that each of us finds on his way.

If ‘talking about them' in our spare time was enough, how come there are so few people ‘ Touched ' by a Master? Therefore I disagree with the position of ‘waiting' simplicity. I rather believe in constant, conscious, determined and aware personal commitment.

Nothing happens by chance. Everything is produced by a cause. And the main causes of individual karma are the debts and credits of the ‘many ourselves' . Therefore we must act on the ‘many ourselves', with conscience and intelligence, knowing what to do, where to do it and how to do it. We must not advance randomly or as if we had an infinite credit available, because it is not so.

This is why a lot of consciousness is required.

The best condition for going through ‘the Labyrinth' built by the ‘many ourselves' is to know where to go and what to do in order to reach the ‘center' inside ourselves, not outside or anywhere else.

Therefore I believe that it is like crossing a mountain pass; who is ‘best equipped' with his reason as well has more chances of accelerating the ‘stages' of the crossing towards freedom.

But if we don't know, and it is reasonable to think that every ‘last self' doesn't know anything about its (own) before or its (own) after, it is very useful to have a School, an Instructor or a Master. They help ‘growing' in the constant application of intelligence, in order to open mind and conscience.

Simple! Isn't it?


(*) Note:
‘Fearlessness is Our leader. Beauty is Our ray of understanding. Simplicity is Our key to the secret doors of happiness. You may write emphatically about simplicity, because nothing so much bars the way as the puffiness of self-conceit. One must exert utmost efforts to reject every germ of self-conceit, and without sinking into bigotry. It seems an old truth, but now it must be reiterated. Everyone must understand for himself where his simplicity is lacking.' (From ‘Leaves of Morya's Garden Vol. 2 - Illumination)

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