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: The seven Knots of Love
Topic:Esotericism Reading
Esotericism ReadingQ: ‘...the rope, like the chain, usually represented the unity and separation and it was consecrated... (omission) ...For the Pharaonic Wisdom, a magic knot is a point of convergence of forces, which join the divine to the human world.'

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The seven Knots of Love

by Athos A. Altomonte

© copyright by Esonet.it - Esonet.com

Q: ‘...the rope, like the chain, usually represented the unity and separation and it was consecrated... (omission) ...For the Pharaonic Wisdom, a magic knot is a point of convergence of forces, which join the divine to the human world.' ‘…the seven knots of the ‘celestial cow' (the Great Nurse). In the Egyptian magic of knots, the number seven had absolute prevalence…'

A: Dear Friend, in Masonry obvious things can be written, in the sense of things that have been said over and over again. On the other hand, the attention can be drawn to unusual things, making the unconventional choice of converging on things which are not well known, highlighting what is not so visible to those people who have not been educated to perceive the ‘initiatory sense' of the symbolic concepts.

This distinction makes the esotericist.

This choice originates from an inborn need to know, which arises in the first months of the access to the Institution (see imprinting). After that, drowned in customs, it is difficult to feel this need again.

Going back to us, I find just and perfect what you wrote, but I'd point the attention on concepts yet ‘unexploded'. In my opinion, they would make the difference between ‘usual saying' and ‘esoteric one'.

I quote from your letter: ‘...the rope, like the chain, usually represented the unity and separation and it was consecrated... (omission) ...For the Pharaonic Wisdom, a magic knot is a point of convergence of forces, which join the divine to the human world.'

Here you have reached the core of the ‘discourse'. Which must be understood and developed, until it becomes ‘readable' (see The Knot: representation of energetic duality ).

And again: ‘…the seven knots of the ‘celestial cow' (the Great Nurse). In the Egyptian magic of knots, the number seven had absolute prevalence…'

This point is highly significant, too. Rather than going towards the direction of ‘Hermes Trismegistus', I'd stop and consider the hidden meanings of the ‘knots' in the Caduceus of Hermes (see the article: Three Mysteries of the Secret Masters ) and their relation with other symbolisms: the seven knots (chakra) of Brahminic tradition and the seven knots in the staff of the Hermit (the 9th Card of the Tarots).

Finally, another theory I agree with: ‘ …Emerald Table, whenever it reminds us that what is above is below and, equally, what is below is above! Therefore I don't think there can be pure coincidences… (omission) …given that we drew the conclusion that the Masonic symbolism of the rope (the knots in the sky) originated in Egypt, with pharaohs, wizards and initiates…'

All those points must not only be shown, but also open and explained , why and how.

Only then you'd silence the incredulous people who look at symbols without seeing their occult meanings. But by doing so, you'd become lonelier, although certainly richer.

This is another choice of the initiatory journey: to remain clutched to the ‘group' or to detach from it, embarking on the steep road that leads to the top? This is not a matter of mind, but of conscience as well.

As De Filippo said: ‘exams never end' and the choice I reminded you of is among the most difficult ones.


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