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 Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: World of Noise – World of Silence by (5450 reads) | The Rule of Silence - Understanding the animal instinct - Lower and higher psychism - Visualization and meditation
The agent that shapes Nature with meanings is silence. Languages, as well as their degeneration, make the world of chaos. For this reason the first golden rule is the Rule of Silence. Indeed, through silence the (inwards) hearing intensifies.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The Sensitive Sphere by (5495 reads) | 
The sensitivity of the Ego and that of Personality - The natural and initiatory Paths - The descent in the lower worlds - By-passing the mind - In order to get out we need to get in - The recognition of the models
Let's start outlining this argument with the awareness that it is not so much about knowing, feeling, listening to certain notions, but rather about employing them on ourselves shortly. Therefore we will carry out this recognition in general terms. In an abstract being, in a certain region of space that we cannot and do not want to quantify, an organ of sensation appears. It would be easier for us to call it perception but in actual fact it is not perception yet. A sensitive being that appears like a dot.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The Three Lights, the Four Castes and the Four Ages by (4729 reads) |  The Three Lights, the Four Castes and the Four Ages - The Three Aspects - Cycles Cadences and Rhythms - The Three Pillars in the Temple
When an instruction presents the same topic in different languages, its occult effect is: 'to be able to disown the forms’ by recognizing the essence of every form'.
To deal with a concept on various levels and in different languages allows us to recognize the substance, which is similar in the various fields without being slave of the “form” used to dress the idea. It means to use the form without being its prisoner.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The three-fold aspect of manifestation by (96746 reads) | Seven Masters make a regular Lodge - Of the Sun and the Moon - The Book on the altar
The three great Rays of Synthesis (1st, 2nd and 3rd Ray) make the whole of the Divine manifestation. These three greater Rays or Rays of Aspect make the manifested Divinity, the embodied Word, the expression of the creative Proposition and the Synthesis of life in quality and appearance.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The Rays that manifest in Freemasonry by (4783 reads) | The Rays that manifest in Freemasonry - The Lodge Picture - He who recognized triplicity - The Three in the Threes
Initiatory Tradition passed on to us a representation of the Temple with the inscription Know Thyself on its front.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: Operative Chains of Unification by (3691 reads) | We have learnt to build a Chain of Unification, a symbol present in the Masonic ritual that still today is conceived only physically and allegorically. Symbols are the external and visible forms of inner spiritual realities and this is also true for this symbol; the symbolic representation of the Chain of Unification (Chorda Fratres), veils the existence of real and operative Chains, relative to initiatory systems, that can have a different nature depending on which plane they work.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The Sensible Sphere by (4005 reads) | The sensibility of the Ego and of Personality – The natural and the initiatory Paths – The descent in the lower worlds – By-passing the mind – It is necessary to enter in order to exit– The recognition of models
Let’s start outlining of this concept, well aware that it is not so much about knowing, hearing, listening to certain notions, but more about applying them on ourselves shortly. Therefore we will carry out this reconnaissance in general terms.
In an abstract being, in a certain region of space that we don’t want and cannot quantify, a sensory organ appears; for us it is simpler to call it a perception organ, but in actual fact it is not perception yet. It is a sensible being that appears like a dot.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: Seven Wheels of Energy by (4067 reads) | Rays of relation – The position of the Lodge Picture – The Sephirot in the Temple – The activation of the system – Recognizing the triplicity of everything – The development of triplicity in the Temple
In this article we will consider the energetic relations inside the Lodge. In the geometry of the Lodge there are several triangles made of lines of energy that determine some relations, in other words, some rays of relation.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: The esotericism of certain Masonic jewels and paraments by (5483 reads) | The Secretary – The Master of Ceremonies – Gloves and Apron (the importance of colors) – The Seven Liberal Arts
It will be useful to make some considerations on the tasks that the Secretary (Secr.) carries out in his Lodge Activity, which are known to every Br. The first divine scribe of the Temple, which is not known to our western culture (from Persians up till now), is the God Thoth, the divine Scribe of the Gods. On an operative level the Secr. is receptive inside the Temple, whilst outside he is its messenger; Thoth was the messenger of Gods, the Secr. is the messenger of the will of the Lodge, which is synthesized in the figure of the W.M. or the Three Lights.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions: If we are the Order, it must be within us by (3813 reads) | The Order within us – Know Thyself – Approaching the small initiation – The energy in the microcosmic pentalpha
When we talk about the Order, we assume that we are the Order, most of the times taking it for granted. But if we are the Order, it must be within us. If we become aware that we already are the ‘system’ but we don’t acknowledge it, the conflict remains. The ‘system’ in its various levels already exists inside us; we must just acknowledge it through the instruction and there is no point in activating it because it is already active.
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