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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The lost Sacralization – Part 5
by (3639 reads)
FreemasonryThe Chain of U.nion is the physical realization of the will for cohesion, produced by the attracting energy of a Group of men and women that exists and lives independently from its qualities. If the Group lacks the attracting force of the central nucleus, the will for cohesion ends; the composts crumble and separate. If the phenomenon refers to the human body, it corresponds to death. Therefore the attracting force of a Group must be continuously strengthened with ability, method and care.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The Lost Sacralization – Part 3
by (3474 reads)
FreemasonryThe dry Path and the humid Path, symbols of hermeticism - The system where supremacy of power and physical strength were paramount set a strange scale of values. Putting the hidden extraordinariness of the inner virtues of man below the formidable ordinariness of the domineering classes’ culture has materialistically and exoterically affected the lesser interpretation of many allegories and symbols. The esoteric allegory on the Dry and Humid Path as well has been interpreted in a minor key. It has been reduced to a literal and physiologic key, where the most appreciated value was the physical attribute of the interpreter of the psycho-drama.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The lost Sacralization – Part 4
by (3952 reads)
FreemasonryBig groups of profane culture unrelated to the technical and scientific field use an imprecise terminology that leads to confusion. Esotericism tries and respects the originality and the characteristics of each reality it gets in relation with, by taking care of the property of words and the exactness of meanings. Esotericism is a method of research used to distinguish the different aspects of abstract concepts such as appearance and essence, viz. interior or exterior, active or passive.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The Lost Sacralization – Part 6
by (3730 reads)
FreemasonryThe keystone of every structure, even profane ones, is the ideal at the center of it; this ideal is usually resumed in a motto or in the synthesis of a word. Many imaginary thoughts took a utopian form. Some of them remained on a level of abstraction and became ideals; others materialized in a project. Every human project is utopia to start with; the person who perceives it has to turn it into reality. Only inability, inconsistency or carelessness allow utopia to remain an ideal or unrealized form.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The lost Sacralization – Part 2
by (3214 reads)
FreemasonryThe Lion and the Tiger – Esoteric value of two of the Symbolic Animals. The (lesser) Mysteries of modern Freemasonry are the exoteric manifestation of ancient mysteriosophical Schools that, in the East and then in the West, have descended amongst men to bring the sense of their initiatory ideas. These ideas are in today’s Freemasonry less imperfect than those of their Adepts, which indeed pursue with tenacious imperfection their own inner perfection through Freemasonry. Before seeking Ritual and initiatory perfection, it is necessary to face honestly and courageously a theme that appears laic and profane, where it is expressed perhaps one of the main imperfections of the present initiatory system. We must raise the ambiguity of the alleged universality that is in fact only partially true.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization: The lost Sacralization – Part 1
by (3403 reads)
FreemasonryThe separation of initiatory Systems The initiatory System, whose roots are to be found in the East, has always been part of the social fabric of the humankind. It used different expressions and forms to be understood when customs, languages and habits of the profane world changed; it has always affected men’s education from the inside. They were different, ‘uncommon’ men who aspired, sometimes confusedly, to ethical and moral conditions often antithetical to those proposed and imposed by profane powers

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