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Esotericism_Reading > Nocturnal and diurnal Man by (3391 reads) | ‘How easy is it that a very experienced Brother decides to dedicate to himself, instead of bearing the weight of common burdens?’
Before answering I think it is fair to wonder how a common mind can imagine the thoughts of someone with an uncommon mind. To guess the thoughts of ‘a very experienced Brother’ means to be like him or very close to him. Unless it is a matter of logic and deduction.
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Esotericism_Reading > How to find oneself by (2954 reads) | Reasonably, there are many debates about ‘instruments and methods of growth’. Nobody as yet has mentioned where to find the energy to expand the instruments, which are metaphors of mental, animistic and spiritual aspects.
…when planning a route the only useful thing is to expound the details, that is what to do and how to do it.
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Esotericism_Reading > Keep knocking and it will be given to you by (2714 reads) | «To him who knocks it will be opened» says the rule, «to him who asks it will be given».
But proud people can’t knock and yet they expect to be listened to.
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Esotericism_Reading > Keep knocking and it will be given to you by (2834 reads) | «To him who knocks it will be opened» says the rule, «to him who asks it will be given».
But proud people can’t knock and yet they expect to be listened to.
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Esotericism_Reading > Realism of the initiatory Path by (3023 reads) | : «B. Spinoza considered the idea in itself, without any relation to the person perceiving it, who should renounce any criterion of idealistic embellishment.»
Knowledge doesn’t know compromises; therefore the principles of emotion and devotion don’t belong to it. On the other hand, to know doesn’t mean exasperated rationality either, which makes man unable to perceive what animates (moving it) every living phenomenon.
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Esotericism_Reading > Occult symbolism of the American Dollar by (6156 reads) | The image on the one-dollar bills is called «The Great Seal». It represents a truncated Pyramid with a Delta on top; at the center of the Delta there is an eye. Seventy-two bricks make the Pyramid, divided into 13 levels and surrounded by the writing: «Annuit Coeptis» and «Novus Ordo Seculorum».
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