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Question&Answer > Where did Masonic Solidarity get to? (part 2 - ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - IV)
by (3410 reads)
Question & AnswerIn the century of ‘open society’ where can esotericism be placed, intended as a secret teaching? It is our duty, I think, to wonder if it makes any sense to talk about esotericism ‘today’ or if, on the contrary, we need to focus on new syntheses. Neurosciences and physics of the infinitely small make past ‘secret’ doctrines obsolete; perhaps they still have their charm, also thanks to their intuitions, but they are indeed obsolete… no doubt. In other words, the background where ‘initiatory societies’ operate is very different from that of Pythagoras, of the builders of cathedrals, of Dee and Ashmole, Anderson and so on. We must leave the return to the past to Harry Potter. On the contrary, let’s ask ourselves what it means to be ‘initiates’ in the twenty-first century and what can the Mysteries be.

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Question&Answer > Where did Masonic Solidarity get to? (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - III)
by (3700 reads)
Question & AnswerIn the last four years I have been (unfortunately in vain) busy looking for interest from many brothers, who have instead shown commitment only for their personal interests, their career and/or economic gains. I can’t find the right words in Italian to express the disappointment in seeing that in our Workshops there have been for years plenty of people who had the only interest of establishing relationships in order to trade them or sell them in the so-called ‘external world’; they would boast having contacts for the purpose of the usual intrigues and business that are spoiling the work of the few coherent people still remaining in Freemasonry. Therefore I propose a debate on the subject: ‘Where did Masonic Solidarity get to?’

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Question&Answer > Esoteric culture, initiatory culture
by (3408 reads)
Question & Answer…I would like to understand what esoteric culture means…

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Question&Answer > Men and Women in Freemasonry
by (3152 reads)
Question & Answer… I think that Freemasonry as we know it and practice it today, organized in lodges and communions, it’s a product of the English eighteenth century, valid for the time and social classes that practiced it. Is the same structure valid for the twenty-first century man? ...I don’t consider a female Freemasonry impossible, although I don’t think that our rituals are suitable for a female group and should probably be ‘revisited’,…I think that certain symbols and instruments are more appropriate for men than women, but perhaps this opinion can be a prejudice resulting from thirty years of activity in a male Freemasonry. Nevertheless I am quite perplexed about a mixed Freemasonry....

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Question&Answer > The myth of ‘Absolute truths' (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - II)
by (3694 reads)
Question & Answer...What is the truth and most of all, where is it? I think that each of us is a fragment of absolute truth in relativity. It is true what I see. It is true what I hear. It is true what I feel. The image I see it's absolute. The sound I hear is absolute. The feeling I feel it's absolute… for me. Moving on another conscience, though, I would find other totalizing truths, relative to dimensions, abilities, clearness and depth of that mind-conscience.

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Question&Answer > Homo Religiosus (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - I)
by (3450 reads)
Question & Answer...I don't have any more illusions about the relation between Freemasonry and initiation. I am absolutely positive that for contemporary man it is rather impossible to transcend anything (the oriental man as well as the occidental man). Furthermore the possibility of an ‘esotericism' or an ‘initiation', at least in Freemasonry, concerns a trite dualistic ontology of a Platonic kind, viz. the ‘essences' up there and the ‘imperfect copies' down here, which contemporary thought has overcome a long time ago....

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Question&Answer > Salmon and Water – an initiatory trial
by (3366 reads)
Question & AnswerThe Salmon must ‘return’, viz. ‘go back’, which means to go ‘inside’ and if it ‘returns’ it is only to ‘generate’ … What else but the New Man? Why do you use a fish to represent ‘the metaphor of the conscience that re-ascends (transcends) itself to find itself’? A fish that with difficulty re-ascends the water towards the Source (The Light of the inner God)?

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Question&Answer > Bad use of the Word
by (3302 reads)
Question & Answer[..] Dear Athos, when you say you believe that evil is ‘only an invention of man', which ‘part' of man are you thinking of? You say: ‘evil as we know it'... what do you mean?

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Question&Answer > Hedonism and initiation
by (3276 reads)
Question & Answer[…] Who is alone belongs to himself ...

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Question&Answer > The power of silence
by (3432 reads)
Question & Answer...I don’t understand at all the concept of Masonic tolerance [...] where does Masonic tolerance start and where does it end, and what does it mean exactly? How to apply it materially? How to avoid looking like a ‘fool’, since nowadays in actual fact to be tolerant means to be a fool or a goody-goody and the only result is that the person on the receiving end thinks that he can easily abuse you?

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