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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Dynamics of Kundalini by (2909 reads) | Like any other energetic aspect, the energetic current called Kundalini, because of the connections through which it crosses the different inner dimensions of human being, is reflected in his body as well as in his mind and conscience.
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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy The “Bread of Knowledge” by (4952 reads) | In an initiatory Center, which is considered the purest expression of an archaic eastern tradition, it is taught that in order to “explore” the highest levels of knowledge, it is necessary to learn how to feed on the “Bread of Knowledge”. The Disciples that have focused their goals (inner motives) realize a first re-joining between mind and «will for action». They recognize in this “boost” the chance to access the Center of the initiation. The first offer they receive is to guide and support the disciple in a process of energetic and emotional cleanliness.
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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Little illuminations by (4160 reads) | "What is really understood becomes eventually a fund of certainty, although relative, that illuminate us and that can be transmitted and provoke in others as many little precious illuminations...."
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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy The ladder of cosmic nourishment by (2879 reads) | Beyond any preference or personal principle, there are some rules about nourishment that can be considered “super partes”. They are rules that should be considered above personal opinions. Going beyond the basic notions, though, it is also taught how every level takes its nourishment from the one below or above.
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Eastern_Esotericism > Agni Yoga Arjuna, human Icon of the Path of Action by (3279 reads) | The man who is able to build himself and his life, according to a discipline which is invisible from the outside, is called to the Yoga of Fire. He co-operates with far-off worlds and is able to understand the fundaments of evolution. The main characteristic of the School of the “Red Dresses” is the lighting of the fires of knowledge, which allows their Disciples to interact with the more subtle energies and to develop, in this way, the direct-knowledge and the “knowledge through contact” with the Soul.
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