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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 2
by (3176 reads)
Alchemy of FireTechnique of the Inner Way.

The Unity of the Matter is the starting postulate of the old hermeticists. Modern nuclear physics and chemistry demonstrate it, when they make matters and products which were completely unknown; they also follow the old saying: “Omnia ab uno et in unum omnia”, viz. “all is in one and one is in all”. All things come from the same germ and they have all been generated by the same mother.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 1
by (4051 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe Four Elementary Qualities - The Four Elements - The Three Principles of the Philosophers - The Two Metals of the Wise men - Chrysopeia or the Philosopher’s stone

Alchemy is the study of the Energy of the Matter. Spiritual Alchemy is the study of the Energy in the Form. The alchemist is the man who frees the energy from the matter.

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Freemasonry > Initiatory morale or apostasy - Part 2
by (3229 reads)
FreemasonryHistory of an alleged spiritual irreverence – Between dogma and spirituality – Genesis of an act of theocratic fundamentalism – The religious excommunication of the Freemasonry.

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Freemasonry > Initiatory morale or apostasy – Part 1
by (4090 reads)
FreemasonryThe exoterical form of Freemasonry is a container of ancient symbols and ritual and allegorical languages. It is an envelope that in its modern disposition has been strongly marked by a biblical Hebraism; this has transmitted in this area as well its whole misogyny.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Esoterical Laws
by (4646 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingA law is the effect of the intelligent and continuous activity of the creative aspect of life, that works together with the physical matter.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > The first occult center of initiation
by (3264 reads)
Alchemy of FireEastern tradition in its purest form teaches us to explore the highest levels of knowledge, starting with recognizing and realizing the inner reasons that can join mind and will for action. The reason of the aspirant is to start the first occult center of initiation, viz. the cardiac center. From here the process of energetic and emotional cleansing starts.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Cleansing the chakras
by (3786 reads)
Alchemy of FireDevotional traditions believe that mortification, repentance and prayer ‘purify' the taint of sin. Initiatory traditions rely on special procedures to ‘cleanse' the chakras and relieve the karmic negativities. This essay shows two methods to obtain the ‘inner laver'.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions - Is The Practice Of Concentration Beneficient?
by (4558 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions - A Word Concerning The Earlier Instructions
by (4041 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions - NO. IIIb
by (3475 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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