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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: Karma of merit and demerit
by (4096 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingEven when the popular conscience wanted to get hold of the archetype-spiritual idea, it confused most of the ascetic realities with the fog of imagination. The metaphysic of the spiritual thought disappeared among intricate formulations with an expression far too human. In this way, oneiric vision and myths ended up by covering with fantastic fabrics the Idea of an archetype beyond this world, which was confused with old tribal memories. The latter became the rudiments of the first ‘lesser traditions’. The formula of merit and demerit is one of the many dialectic mistakes of those ‘traditions’. It has caused the decadence of the karmic principle of loss and acquisition of conscientious qualities in the commercial contest of prize and punishment. This is not acceptable to those who consider the value of an individual conscience as a sum of abilities which can’t be acquired by clauses of remission or indulgence. Especially if we think that the quality of a conscience is given by the clearness of its substance and the purity of its vibration (the silent sound). Therefore it is quite daring to attribute its merits to the moral conditions originated by a profession of faith or another.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: Binary matrix of the karmic mechanism
by (4265 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading In physics, the third law of motion states that to every action corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. Although with a very remote origin, we find the same principle in the fundaments of the karmic postulate. It states that every event originates from a cause and the effect can be annulled only by annulling the cause that manifested it. From this philosophical equation originates the term karma corresponding to the correlation between cause and effect.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: Karma: cyclic expression of justice, balance
by (3533 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingSome currents of thought sustain that man has only one life available to reach his final goal. Not all philosophies, though, agree. The oldest traditions consider the appearance of life as a cyclic experience of existence, whose material form is only the formal expression of a bigger and more articulated project; they regard it as involving not only itself but also the complex system called ‘universal creation’. Every time it appears new chances for growth and improvements develop; they are gradually distributed in several cycles and existences to the fragment of individual conscience called "man".

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: The origin of karmic mechanisms - Introduction
by (4219 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingIn order to reach a holistic vision of the initiatory thought, the Western researcher can’t but study in depth the fundaments of the Eastern esoterical tradition as well. Only by prying into the other half of the initiatory sky, the adept will be able to reassemble the two halves of the thought that inspired the higher Mysteries.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: Biographies of the exponents of Theosophy - Crosbie - Judge
by (2926 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: Biographies of the exponents of Theosophy - Blavatsky
by (3341 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: The Great Invocation
by (2697 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy: The Wave of Life and other principles of esoterical Phylosophy
by (2801 reads)
Eastern Esotericism Reading

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Question&Answer > Teosophy: Stages of self-realization
by (2999 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Teosophy: The Adept and the Salmon: analogy with a living symbol
by (2977 reads)
Question & Answer

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