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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > Church and Freemasonry. The secret thread
by (3588 reads)
FreemasonryThe Holy Roman Church bases its principles on roots shared by two other monotheistic religions deriving from Abraham’s Tribe: Hebraism, the oldest, and Islam. The ritual and symbolic origins of ancient pagan catechisms contribute to make its primacy even less absolute. Articles of faith, though, belong to the religious field and not to laic research. The only exception is the secret thread that connects Church and Freemasonry. The meanings of symbols and allegories are secret, too.

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Freemasonry > Towards inner transmutation
by (3078 reads)
FreemasonryA fundamental principle of secret Doctrines is that part of the conscience remains in the material impermanence because it is reflected in the divine image. The will to be aware again of this spiritual reflection is the premise to the operation of inner mutation called ‘Initiation’.

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Freemasonry > Silent Sounds and Names
by (3147 reads)
FreemasonryNeophytes believe that esotericism is a subject to be studied. In actual fact it is first of all a method of enquiry that uses old ‘memories’ to reach the deep meanings of every initiatory proposition. The main key for every proposition is the meaning of numbers, which is overcome, though, by the sonorous interpretation. There isn’t any conflict in this statement, since the knowledge of harmonics (sonorous notes) originates from the interpretation of numbers and geometric relationships that define the inner space of every form.

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Freemasonry > Initiatory morale or apostasy - Part 2
by (3294 reads)
FreemasonryHistory of an alleged spiritual irreverence – Between dogma and spirituality – Genesis of an act of theocratic fundamentalism – The religious excommunication of the Freemasonry.

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Freemasonry > Initiatory morale or apostasy – Part 1
by (4213 reads)
FreemasonryThe exoterical form of Freemasonry is a container of ancient symbols and ritual and allegorical languages. It is an envelope that in its modern disposition has been strongly marked by a biblical Hebraism; this has transmitted in this area as well its whole misogyny.

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Freemasonry > Introduction to the phenomena of higher psychism
by (2650 reads)

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Freemasonry > Secret Freemasonry The system of the three Circles
by (2765 reads)
FreemasonryMeritocracy as the only element for selection and advancement. The idea of a system for advancement based on three circles (or sensitivity levels) is not an invention, but a method of selection based on recognition used by the oldest initiatory schools.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry On atheism
by (2773 reads)
FreemasonryStrangely enough, the true atheist is the religious man. The theocrat convinced that he is talking on behalf of God and acting in his place. That is the dangerous atheism for human freedom.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Old and New Initiatory Mysteries
by (3652 reads)
FreemasonryThe itineraries of old historical reconstructions, of which we can catch a glimpse in the work of M. Saunier, can be quite useful for all those searching for the relation between the old Initiatory Ceremonials and their memory kept in the metaphors of Freemasonry.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry The genesis of initiatory Freemasonry
by (2997 reads)
FreemasonryThe article tries to bring to light how the hermetic-spiritual mysteries of the Illuminati joined the art secrets of the Freemasons, transforming a guild of craftsmen into a huge initiatory container that must be read and interpreted in the correct way.

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