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Freemasonry > The Carpet by (3444 reads) | Can therefore an oriental carpet deliver a secret, esoteric message to whoever is able to receive it? My answer is affirmative and, on the other hand, “the wind blows wherever it pleases”
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Freemasonry > Orientations and Perambulations by (3207 reads) | To orientate, or to orient, means to face or turn to the east, to the rising sun, thus receiving light and heat, that were, especially in ancient times, the primary source of energy. So, men used to orient themselves to face the east, the sun, in order to receive energy and then balance it inwardly.
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Freemasonry > Chain of Union by (6122 reads) | Freemasonry is a “Peculiar Morality, veiled in allusion and illustrated by symbols.” Of course, there are many types of symbols, there are visual symbols, pictures, oral symbols, which primarily make up speech, and demonstrated or enacted symbols. The Chain of Union is an “enacted” symbol, that is, a rite by gesture.
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Freemasonry > Freemasonry’s occult anatomy by (3813 reads) | Many people discuss about separations and initiatory diversity. They forget that when these events occur in supposedly brotherly environment, it means that something is wrong. The initiatory principles that enlighten the spirit of Freemasonry can’t be responsible for the separation of some masons; therefore we must look for the reasons elsewhere. It could be due to human error or to exoterical conditions and rules. This problem doesn’t concern only Freemasonry, though.
If we follow the principles of an occult but likely ‘anatomy’ we will find the head as the center of command, which judges, decides, acts, communicates but most of all produces thoughts.
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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 2 by (3217 reads) | The Lion and the Tiger – Esoteric value of two of the Symbolic Animals.
The (lesser) Mysteries of modern Freemasonry are the exoteric manifestation of ancient mysteriosophical Schools that, in the East and then in the West, have descended amongst men to bring the sense of their initiatory ideas.
These ideas are in today’s Freemasonry less imperfect than those of their Adepts, which indeed pursue with tenacious imperfection their own inner perfection through Freemasonry.
Before seeking Ritual and initiatory perfection, it is necessary to face honestly and courageously a theme that appears laic and profane, where it is expressed perhaps one of the main imperfections of the present initiatory system. We must raise the ambiguity of the alleged universality that is in fact only partially true.
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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 1 by (3406 reads) | The separation of initiatory Systems
The initiatory System, whose roots are to be found in the East, has always been part of the social fabric of the humankind. It used different expressions and forms to be understood when customs, languages and habits of the profane world changed; it has always affected men’s education from the inside. They were different, ‘uncommon’ men who aspired, sometimes confusedly, to ethical and moral conditions often antithetical to those proposed and imposed by profane powers
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Freemasonry > Masonic_religiosity Masonic religiosity - Part Two by (4028 reads) | It is common opinion that the devotion of Freemasonry produced an initiatory anomaly that still exists in it. Indeed, it is not clear how an Institution considered ‘generated’ by the old mysterial System (see Mediterranean Mysteries) could mix abstract spirituality with an obvious religious romanticism; or how it could confuse the representations of an exterior cult with the inner principles of spiritual illumination
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Freemasonry > Masonic_religiosity Masonic religiosity - Part One by (3742 reads) | It is common opinion that the devotion of Freemasonry produced an initiatory anomaly that still exists in it. Indeed, it is not clear how an Institution considered ‘generated’ by the old mysterial System (see Mediterranean Mysteries) could mix abstract spirituality with an obvious religious romanticism; or how it could confuse the representations of an exterior cult with the inner principles of spiritual illumination
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Freemasonry > Ancient mysteries and the New Era – part 2 by (6705 reads) | Inside the Egyptian sacerdotal caste there was a double level: on one side the wide external circle of priests, believers and all those who wanted to approach knowledge and occult sciences; on the other side a close circle that could be accessed through a rite of initiation. Something similar happened in Greece; from many authoritative sources we know about the myth of Eleusis, where initiations to Small and Great Mysteries occurred.
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Freemasonry > Ancient Mysteries and the New Era - part 1 by (3003 reads) | As a result of astronomic calculations (cosmic cycles and precession of equinoxes), many researchers and scholars of esotericism are positive that the humankind is on the threshold of a new age. What is this New Era for the Mason? Br Francesco Brunelli authoritatively wrote about it in 1981:
«[…] it is approaching (or we are entering) a new era, bearer of transformations inside the psyche and consequently external transformations, too. A change is going to happen, similarly to what happened when Christianity was born two thousand years ago, when an old world collapsed and was replaced by a different civilization. This New Era we are entering is the Era of Aquarius. It is replacing the Age of Pisces.»
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