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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > Comments on the Pyramidal Hierarchy
by (3727 reads)
FreemasonryThe subject of this work is the analysis of the pyramid symbol, which, in its apparent simplicity, is the synthesis of a wider concept linked to the idea of hierarchic order. An idea, or the symbol that represents it, is generally ‘personalized' through opinions and interpretations given by those who have lost the objective meaning of the idea itself.

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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic Transmutation / 5
by (4044 reads)
Freemasonry‘The Snake moves its tail’ – The inner Path – The dangers of meditation – The Art of Visualization – Two possible arguments of a non-introduced – [Sound and Color] – [The Symbol] – [The Suggestion]

The fulfillment of the initiatory transformation is represented in the East by an upright King Cobra with three lesser cobras on each side. The King Cobra at the center represents the complete reawakening of the serpentine Fire and its ascent at the main center of the head; the six lesser cobras are the representation of the 6 chakras or energetic complementary ganglia, entirely revived.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book III - 2nd part
by (3843 reads)
FreemasonryThe Chain of Unification – Method for the construction of a Chain of Unification – The Chain of Unification, universal symbol and sign of science

The Chain of Unification cannot be but Universal; it is made of elements that are certainly not just the mere physical or ‘political’ presence of the Mason. Accepting the assumption of the Universal reality of the Chain, we might consider the Communions that make it as its links, although they are often broken by profane and anti-initiatory interests of managers inadequate to their own duties and to recognize and gather the needs of the Order and of the Brothers that ‘constitute it’.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book III - 1st part
by (4411 reads)
FreemasonryThe Universality of the Masonic Temple – The Love Knot of the Masonic temple – The Love Knot, symbolic expression of the Energetic Knot.

Let’s take a first step in understanding the Universality of the Masonic Temple, in the past as well as in the present, as a Container of the Initiatory Tradition and then understanding the Universality of the ‘Universal Freemasonry’ towards a future of Illuminated Minds. In this chapter we will take the chance to highlight an ‘intermediate historical point’, that is not distant from the western present of the researcher but also not far away from its origins, which rise farther East and back in Time.

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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 4
by (5039 reads)
FreemasonryThe criteria of the Work of Transmutation – Recognition and disownment – [Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality] – From identification to synthesis – [Sublimation and Synthesis] – [Vertical Telepathy] – The Power of the Snake – [Yoga]

The criteria of the Work of Transmutation from a personal and profane identity to the initiatory one can be expressed in 6 key words. They are respectively: recognition – disownment – identification – transmutation – sublimation – synthesis.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book II
by (5979 reads)
FreemasonryThe space that marks the Masonic Temple off is divided by three rectangular perimeters. The first of the three rectangles is symbolical and it is the Lodge Picture; the second, energetic, is emanated from the Squaring of the Temple created by the Brothers and re-absorbed at their Ritual exit. Finally, the third is represented by the physical form of the Temple.

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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions The esotericism of certain Masonic jewels and paraments
by (5488 reads)
FreemasonryThe Secretary – The Master of Ceremonies – Gloves and Apron (the importance of colors) – The Seven Liberal Arts

It will be useful to make some considerations on the tasks that the Secretary (Secr.) carries out in his Lodge Activity, which are known to every Br. The first divine scribe of the Temple, which is not known to our western culture (from Persians up till now), is the God Thoth, the divine Scribe of the Gods. On an operative level the Secr. is receptive inside the Temple, whilst outside he is its messenger; Thoth was the messenger of Gods, the Secr. is the messenger of the will of the Lodge, which is synthesized in the figure of the W.M. or the Three Lights.

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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 3
by (4523 reads)
FreemasonryThe Middle Chamber – [Osiris and Isis] – [Symbology of the number Seven] – From speculation to fulfillment – [Layman, Mason, Initiate] – The symbol-words AUM and OM – ‘He of whom nothing can be said’ – [Coincidence of opposites]

The Middle Chamber, like the half-Light, shows a precise level of Human Initiation, viz. the level of Reason and Logics, which in the allegory is situated between the Forces of Darkness (ignorance and profane error) and the Power of Light (initiatory Wisdom); the latter is represented by the figure of the Master of all Masters, Hiram. He is the living symbol of the initiatory spirituality addressed to the Humankind, in order to stimulate and accelerate its progress in the evolutionary line.

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Freemasonry > Esotericism of the Masonic Apron
by (6274 reads)
FreemasonryThe most impressive detail for the imagination of the brothers Masons is the apron they wear as a distinctive sign and an initiatory symbol of Freemasonry in its three degrees of abilities, qualities and virtues. The Apron of Art, therefore, is a historical element of the ‘operative’ tradition which, with the advent of speculative Freemasonry, took the value of initiatory symbol.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book II - 2nd part
by (5213 reads)
FreemasonryThe Labyrinth in the esoteric tradition – The squaring of the Temple

On the horizontal plane of ‘Chaos’ the Reason, deceived by its own senses, has to cross a Mental Plane that appears to it Real and Infinite, but that is in actual fact the result of its own deceit and delusion. This moment is known by Tradition as the Labyrinth; in the inner life of the Apprentice it marks the passage from his own Floor, of personal and separating understanding, to the Floor of the Temple, where, thanks to Systems and Guides, the paths become regular and understandable, true Paths of Initiatory Science.

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