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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Three “Mysteries” of the Secret Masters
by (3272 reads)
FreemasonryMany “esotericists” delight in collecting and preserve riddles of the past but few of them go as far as finding their actual use. It is a duty of the researcher to make every effort to understand the practical and real use of any ritual ideogram.

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Freemasonry > Use_of_languages Examples of hermetic-symbolic language
by (3723 reads)
FreemasonryLet’s start making contact with the meanings of some of the most common signs among the representations of the “sacred”....

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry In Our Most Holy Numbers
by (3471 reads)
FreemasonryIn Our most holy Numbers is - in the Mediterranean Mysteries - the ritual greeting of the Highest degrees of the Scottish rite. Some might ask why.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry The Art of Saying and not Saying
by (3830 reads)
FreemasonryA compendium on the esotericism of Silence and Word. Talking (just) for the sake of it is the profane use of the word. Talking to announce is the exoterical use of the word. Talking to transmit is the most advanced level of talking....

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Sacredness of Numbers
by (2881 reads)
FreemasonryThe meaning of every Arcanum is given by the body, the geometrical structure of the symbol, and from the soul, that is the Number. Therefore, for the researcher who wants to interpret the Symbols it is fundamental to understand the origin of Numbers. For this reason we present the introductory comment to the “Sacredness of Numbers” according to Virio.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Towards the inner transmutation
by (2712 reads)
FreemasonryThe initiatory teaching on the two hemispheres of East and West is connected by the duty to acknowledge oneself, not only as an ephemeral physical entity, but also as an expression of eternal energy....

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Uniformity as an initiatory instrument
by (2721 reads)
FreemasonryMan’s behaviour is the exterior expression of his inner status. In the initiate, this status is the antithesis of the conformism lacking in critical sense, which is typical of the profane culture....

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Dialogues of an oriental Master
by (3463 reads)
FreemasonryIn its rituality Freemasonry states that the “Light of wisdom” rises in the East. The most prestigious side of every Masonic Temple, in fact, is called «East». So many repetitions can’t be considered a simple coincidence. This little mystery excites the esotericist’s curiosity, led to think that the initiatory roots of Freemasonry are much older than those thought in 1717.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Esoterical meaning of Dante’s Mountain
by (3272 reads)
FreemasonryIn the Convivio, Tome II, Dante Alighieri wrote: « ...in every Work of Art there are always four meanings, the literal, the allegorical, the moral and the anagogical one (Greek anà-ago: to bring up).…» This criterion that sums up four ways of understanding an idea, gives shape to an ideal mountain to be climbed in order to reach the top and find the immaterial purity of the primogenial idea.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Esoterical Landmarks
by (3058 reads)
FreemasonryMany modern traditions preserve the memory of “old precepts”. Nevertheless, they have narrowed their concepts to suit them to the modern society’s culture. This didn’t happen in the past because profane and initiatory cultures were kept separated and they could meet only through scientific principles. This essay reproposes the reading of some “old precepts”disguised as esoterical landmarks and aphorisms. At the end we add a specific form for admission.

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