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Freemasonry > Esotericism between East and West /1 by (3719 reads) | 1. Fundamental postulate of the manifesto – 1. Compendium of the Conference – 3. Defining esotericism in order to distinguish it from exoteric practices – 4. Balance and knowledge are the point of junction between science and initiatory science – 5. God is a greater Idea that lives on the ideas he generates – 6. Various ways of intending esotericism – 7. Intuition is the ‘small’ illumination – 8. The Real Bridge – 9. Recognizing the signs of personal hell – 10. From deep meditation to phantasmal enquiry – 11. The sense of life is often occasional – 12. Essentiality of a correct initiatory education – 13. Education, languages and symbols – 14. The true idiom of the esotericist is the symbol – 15. Numbers: an example of emblematic language – 16. The communion of languages – 17. Triads – 18. Mental order
To fulfill the meanings of human symbology means to fulfill the knowledge of Self and this also means to pass the Threshold of greater Initiation.
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Freemasonry > Master Masons by (4036 reads) | Being Master Masons doesn’t necessarily mean being initiates. At least, not of the kind of initiation I am talking about, which comes from an inner realization very similar to a metamorphosis.
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Freemasonry > The Agape or Masonic banquet by (9158 reads) | On the cosmic food chain – On the term Agape – Supper, the primitive mass – The totemic banquet – The agape today
The term Agape is a biblical term – very rare in Greek literature – that indicates pure love of God, his gratuitous (‘by grace') gift to man.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book V by (4556 reads) | The Inviolability of the Ceremonial Mystery – The Esoteric Symbology of the Candle – Ritual Fires – The Menorah – The Planets of the Menorah
Following our observations in the previous chapter, we should get used to consider, in all the aspects that make all Ceremonials in every Rite or belief, the presence of the apparent ambivalence of white and black, sacred and profane, as an effect of man’s manipulation on the elements that determine, through the desired goals, the pole of quality in its exterior manifestation.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions Seven Wheels of Energy by (4070 reads) | Rays of relation – The position of the Lodge Picture – The Sephirot in the Temple – The activation of the system – Recognizing the triplicity of everything – The development of triplicity in the Temple
In this article we will consider the energetic relations inside the Lodge. In the geometry of the Lodge there are several triangles made of lines of energy that determine some relations, in other words, some rays of relation.
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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On Metallic transmutation / 7 by (4506 reads) | The Principle of identification and mental repolarization – The Mirror, one of Bacchus’ Toys – [The Bridge] – On the meaning of the Masonic Secret – The Secret in the sphere of the Initiate – The symbol of the Speculum in the Masonic Ceremonial – [Saturn ‘the Planet of Trials’]
The Mysteries are in actual fact the source of true ‘revelation’ and only when the mind and the will for good are intimately joined and affect the conscience, the extension of the future revelation is understood. Only then these secrets will be entrusted to the Humankind. They relate to the ability to put the Brothers in the position to consciously operate with the energies of the planet and of the Solar System (Diamagnetism) in order to control the forces inside the planet.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book IV - 2nd part by (3819 reads) | Fragrance and man, from Natural to Sexual Magic – Ritual Fragrances – Fumigations in the Temple – Fumigations in the Masonic Temple
The animal-man in his religions has in actual fact only loved or feared himself and his attributes.He tried to escape his own fears by serving a god, but, not being able to perceive the Archetype One, he made it to the likeness of his own desires and fears, creating a monster, viz. Satan.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book IV by (5507 reads) | The Path of Man through Archaic Traditions – Races and the subdivision of Peoples
During his journey the researcher encounters topics that suit particularly well the re-discovery of the esoteric history of the humankind. They allow him to follow the thought process of the man who built them by going back on the path of his history.
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Freemasonry > Summer solstice, feast of Light by (3705 reads) | We know that the term Light can be interpreted from many points of view, such as creativity, wisdom, beauty, intuition, heat, love, magnetic attraction, knowledge. In any case it is a group of virtues that we might consider as the unit of measurement of the real progress of every man in the initiatory scale, which is expression of his own conscience development
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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic Transmutation / 6 by (4107 reads) | The eye of the mind that visualizes – The use of virtual scenarios – The method of invocation-evocation – The Secret that veils the Work of the Initiate – [‘Mouth-ear’] – [Tyling] – [Copernicus] – The Masonic Secret – Diamagnetism of the mind – [The Power of Mind]
The creation of an inner Bridge between spirit and matter, between physical and metaphysical, between lower self and Self, between Personality and animic Triad or any other name we want to give the starting and arriving points, this art is known to every Mason as Ars Pontificia and the inner transmutation of the Initiate is aimed, so to speak, at putting into ‘communication’ the two counterparts making the inferior simile (recognizable) to the superior and the other way round. Here as well we see the putting in practice of the initiatory Principle ‘By recognizing you will be recognized’.
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