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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > The Metaphor of the Widow
by (3527 reads)
FreemasonryThe material body (physical form) in the esoteric interpretation is the Widow, whose children are the spirits of the men that live in it. In the solar (or dry) way they look for the reunification with the Spirit of the Monad (the inner God, Son or reflection of the greater God) and with it the restoration of the ‘primitive state’.

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Freemasonry > The inspiring Muses and the esoteric meaning of senses
by (9052 reads)
FreemasonryThe inspiring Muses – The energetic centers of man – The senses in the development of conscience – The esoteric meaning of the senses

The Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, symbolize the instruments of knowledge, the senses, which inspire any manifestation of thought, art and science. The senses are the instruments used by the individual relate with the environment around him; thanks to them he gains experience and consciousness and he expands his knowledge.

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Freemasonry > Initiatory illiteracy
by (4925 reads)
Whenever I am asked the reason of the existential impasse of Freemasonry, I answer that it is because ‘today we have plenty of words but very few ideas’.
Guenon rightly wrote that Freemasonry is the only Institution in the West able to transmit initiations. But time goes by and Freemasonry today is affected by ‘three bad fellows, which are overshadowing its principles of existence. They are the choices on proselytism, role reversal and initiatory illiteracy.

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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions The Sensible Sphere
by (4008 reads)
FreemasonryThe sensibility of the Ego and of Personality – The natural and the initiatory Paths – The descent in the lower worlds – By-passing the mind – It is necessary to enter in order to exit– The recognition of models

Let’s start outlining of this concept, well aware that it is not so much about knowing, hearing, listening to certain notions, but more about applying them on ourselves shortly. Therefore we will carry out this reconnaissance in general terms. In an abstract being, in a certain region of space that we don’t want and cannot quantify, a sensory organ appears; for us it is simpler to call it a perception organ, but in actual fact it is not perception yet. It is a sensible being that appears like a dot.

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Freemasonry > Art and Ars Regia
by (5061 reads)
FreemasonryWhilst reading the text that a Br. Wrote, I found the following statement: '...Perhaps this is why Royal Art is an art rather than a DIY handicraft...'; I am quoting it to show how sometimes, quite superficially, misguiding comments are based on errors of interpretation (based on personal opinion, rather than on the cross-check of definite references, which is the common practice for an esoteric researcher); these comments create doubts rather than light.

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Freemasonry > The Great Book of Nature
by (5067 reads)
FreemasonryOnce upon a time the expression ‘restoration of the ancient mysteries’ was coined to deal with the most precious topics relating to the so-called greater initiation. The first Book that helps us to unravel the ‘initiatory mysteries’ is the Temple. It is a ‘symbolic theater’ where the dramas of the human soul are represented through ceremonial and ritual mysteries. The following stage is the approach to the Great Book of Nature; the third is the Book of the Seven Seals. All together they make a method based on rules, which we might call the User Manual for life and existence.

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Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /1.2
by (3735 reads)
I wrote this short prologue in order to give a psycho-dramatic view to the history of the ‘fall’ of our soul, which we know is the same for all Souls. Likewise, the last part of the Journey on the Path to their ‘reintegration’ in the Celestial Jerusalem is the same for all Souls.

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Freemasonry > Critical essay on the exoteric praxes of virtual Freemasonry
by (3427 reads)
FreemasonryI think it is time to admit that even the so-called ‘High initiations’ (31st, 32nd and 33rd, the three administrative Degrees of Freemasonry) as well as the previous ones are the approximate and quite folkloristic memory of ancient splendors. Their meanings remain obscure even to the ‘pontiffs’ of Freemasonry.

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Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /1.1
by (3361 reads)
FreemasonryIntroduction – Pax et Cultura

«Civilization is the first manifestation of the real human quality in the animal-man, the first influence of the part, or spark, of the Soul imprisoned into the bonds of personality. Culture is the second stage that shows a higher degree of development of personality, the cultural, esthetical values and the gradual development of mind. Illumination is the third stage. The mind starts being gradually illuminated by the influence of the Soul.»

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Freemasonry > Esotericism between East and West /2
by (6862 reads)
Freemasonry1. Three and Four: Triangle and Square – 2. The Four Elements of the living substance – 3. The cubic Stone – 4. Emblematic meaning of V.I.T.R.I.O.L. – 5. The Cup of Wisdom – 6. Use of Curiosity – 7. Esoteric meanings of the Masonic Apron – 8. Illumination – 9. Methodical doubt and analogy: two orientation tools in the world of meanings – 10. The books of Stone – 11. The Sephirothic Tree – 12. An interpretative analysis of the Tree – 13. The Sephirothic System – 14. The 11th invisible Sephir: Da’ath – the Abyss of Mutation – 15. Two ritual lights: the Menorah, the Chanukah – 16. Analogy of the seven, Menorah, Caduceus of Hermes and initiatory Staff – 17. The Journey of the humankind – 18. ‘Solve et Coagula’ – 19. Left and Right, in order to recover the meaning of male and female Initiation – 20. Notions on the silent sound – 21. Interiorization – 22. The descent of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

The triangle is the symbol used to express the relation between the various elements of the physical manifestation and the three fundamental aspects that rule the universe. Symbolically, the vertexes of the triangle represent a greater Triad, the so-called divine Ternary, which animates any formal representation.
On the contrary, every physical form is made of a quaternary, with four elements also symbolically called: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

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