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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > The Bible on the Masonic Altar and the Menorah on the Altar
by (7756 reads)
FreemasonryThe Masonic oath is a psycho-dramatic representation aimed at ‘impressing’ the neophyte’s mind. But there is nothing religious about this oath. The presence of the Bible is purely symbolical. Furthermore, it is wrong to consider it as a Catholic book.

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Freemasonry > To erect temples to virtue and dig dungeons for vices
by (4212 reads)
FreemasonryThe Mason is told over and over again ‘to erect temples to virtue and dig dungeons for vices’.The gist of this metaphor is the invitation to ‘work for the benefit of the humankind by digging dungeons for ignorance’, which is the greatest vice of the man who opposes light...

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Freemasonry > Ritual acts and initiatory reality
by (3321 reads)
FreemasonryThe inner Order which the Mason works for is the only ‘instrument’ able to generate a superior and common order expressed by the term ‘Universal Freemasonry’. It is a ‘Brotherly chorda’ made of links pulsating with hearts and minds.

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Freemasonry > The Tree of Knowledge
by (4097 reads)
Freemasonry«Those who have brought ‘Light’ to the humankind have paid their idealism dearly. The symbol of these heroes is Prometheus.» The flame of knowledge revives intelligence and it is a source of creativity.

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Freemasonry > ThreeMagisterialArts Ars Muratoria - «Architectonic tables» of the Great Builders
by (6562 reads)
FreemasonryThe work of art is the symbol of the artist; the sacred Work is the symbol of great Builders. Among the great works, perhaps architecture is the Art which has best represented sacredness; it has built spaces where purity of forms has inspired thinkers, artists and ordinary people.

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Freemasonry > From the Flaming Pentalpha to the Sign of the Goat
by (6855 reads)
FreemasonryFreemasonry gathers symbols with a great ethical, esoteric and philosophical value; among them there is the five-pointed Star. The result of the elaboration of the pentalpha is the Flaming Pentalpha, which is a splendid representation of the initiatory condition. Female Freemasonry uses it as well, but upside down, giving itself a sinister feature.

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Freemasonry > The Light of the Initiation
by (3471 reads)
Freemasonry‘Death is next to us since birth. Death is the Expert Brother who knocks at the Door of the eternal East, accompanying us to the last earthly trial, which for the ‘reawakened’ means to be initiated to eternity.’

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Freemasonry > Ethics of Sacrifice. The degrees on the «Path of Service»
by (3691 reads)
Freemasonry«…what is the highest degree of service which an initiate can devote himself to? »

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Freemasonry > ThreeMagisterialArts Ars Muratoria, Ars Regia and Ars pontificia
by (6564 reads)
FreemasonrySince ancient times, building ‘immaterial bridges’ has been the fundament of mysteric science, which finds its highest expression in hiero-inspiration. The term Hierophant comes from this; it indicates the initiator that became ‘bridge’ and transmitted to the postulant the ‘knowledge’ of which he was the ‘Chalice’. Holy inspiration was a prerogative of Hierophants; it consists of receiving ideas from the ‘divine’ plane. Plato called this dimension ‘hyperuranium’ (plane of archetypical ideas).

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 5
by (3642 reads)
FreemasonryThe Chain of U.nion is the physical realization of the will for cohesion, produced by the attracting energy of a Group of men and women that exists and lives independently from its qualities. If the Group lacks the attracting force of the central nucleus, the will for cohesion ends; the composts crumble and separate. If the phenomenon refers to the human body, it corresponds to death. Therefore the attracting force of a Group must be continuously strengthened with ability, method and care.

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