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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The Lost Sacralization – Part 3
by (3477 reads)
FreemasonryThe dry Path and the humid Path, symbols of hermeticism - The system where supremacy of power and physical strength were paramount set a strange scale of values. Putting the hidden extraordinariness of the inner virtues of man below the formidable ordinariness of the domineering classes’ culture has materialistically and exoterically affected the lesser interpretation of many allegories and symbols. The esoteric allegory on the Dry and Humid Path as well has been interpreted in a minor key. It has been reduced to a literal and physiologic key, where the most appreciated value was the physical attribute of the interpreter of the psycho-drama.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 4
by (3956 reads)
FreemasonryBig groups of profane culture unrelated to the technical and scientific field use an imprecise terminology that leads to confusion. Esotericism tries and respects the originality and the characteristics of each reality it gets in relation with, by taking care of the property of words and the exactness of meanings. Esotericism is a method of research used to distinguish the different aspects of abstract concepts such as appearance and essence, viz. interior or exterior, active or passive.

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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The Lost Sacralization – Part 6
by (3732 reads)
FreemasonryThe keystone of every structure, even profane ones, is the ideal at the center of it; this ideal is usually resumed in a motto or in the synthesis of a word. Many imaginary thoughts took a utopian form. Some of them remained on a level of abstraction and became ideals; others materialized in a project. Every human project is utopia to start with; the person who perceives it has to turn it into reality. Only inability, inconsistency or carelessness allow utopia to remain an ideal or unrealized form.

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Freemasonry > Three occult sides of the Temple
by (3541 reads)
FreemasonryIf the adept is not looking for vain appearance but for initiatory coherence, he will have to learn to act unusually and the key word is transcending. In order to achieve a considerable initiatory ability, he must be able to transcend the symbolic shadow and go from the exterior Temple, which is the fulcrum of symbolic Freemasonry, to the inner Temple, which is the basis of White Freemasonry.

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Freemasonry > Analogy with a living symbol – the Way of the Salmon
by (3666 reads)
FreemasonryOld Commentaries often use metaphors of animals to express particular abilities. The Lion is an example; it is used to symbolize the boldness and the fighting courage. Some Masters have veiled important teachings in images, using animals such as the Elephant, the Tortoise, the Eagle, the Tiger, the Seagull, the Gazelle, etc. In this tradition the image of the Salmon indicates the man who ‘searches’; like the others, it veils the sense of the initiatory postulate.

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Freemasonry > An instrument of initiatory research
by (3172 reads)
FreemasonryFreemasonry is a precious instrument of initiatory research for those who want to overcome the barrier of its formal and exoteric aspects. Although Freemasonry is not the only mysteric source of the West, it is certainly the most significant container of symbolic representations available to the researcher. It is a complex of ancient and archaic initiatory fragments that, between past and present, build a wisdom bridge for a tradition flowing from the East to the West.

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Freemasonry > ‘To die as oneself’, the highest virtue of an initiate
by (3072 reads)
FreemasonryBefore we can talk about initiatory virtues we should explain what initiation and initiatory identity are. There are different opinions on initiation. Some are symbolic; they last the time of a ceremony and only require the physical presence of the postulant. Some are integral, slow and complex, because they imply the transformation of the being, who ‘dies as himself’.

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Freemasonry > The Chamber of Reflection
by (32903 reads)
FreemasonryThe Chamber of Reflection is one of Freemasonry's most alluring, thought provoking and truly esoteric symbols. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR) prescribes the profane, before being initiated, should enter a special room which is called Chamber of Reflection (CoR) where they will contemplate why they have chosen to embark on the Masonic path, their life, their past, and their future.

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Freemasonry > Rings of Strength
by (3708 reads)
FreemasonryThe mental strength of a man becomes a ring of strength that, by joining with other rings, makes an energetic chain whose combination of strength and quality equals the sum of the rings. The similitude in this instance is very important; a different mental intensity prevents the rings from communicating and makes the strength of will, mind and conscience intransmissible. If the rings are compatible, on the other hand, the chain is strong and its energy can build an eggregore.

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Freemasonry > Compendium for the Master Tiler - Masonic rules for tiling
by (3524 reads)
FreemasonryThese notes have been written to avoid the loss of the experiences developed during the tilers' courses held during the 1978-79 and 1980-81 at the Order in Turin, Italy. This compendium doesn't claim to resolve all the aspects of tiling but to highlight its most relevant features, since tiling is one of the most important ‘operative' functions of Freemasonry towards the profane world. In particular, if an unsuitable or undeserving postulant is admitted by mistake, this has repercussions on the Institution.

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