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Question&Answer > The Self and the living Atom
by (3397 reads)
Question & AnswerHello Athos, could you please explain to me ‘what is the Self’?

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Question&Answer > The bluff of the inexistent initiation
by (3486 reads)
Question & Answer…I am deeply convinced about my choice of joining Freemasonry; I respect the principles and values of Universal Freemasonry and therefore I also appreciate situations and behaviors that I find difficult to understand. I get stronger and I sight what I will be with time…Difficulties sublimate and fortify the spirit, giving me a vision that becomes clearer and clearer…Does my condition call for silence at the moment? …But sooner or later the day will come when I will be able to offer a humble contribution to what some Brothers are doing.

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Question&Answer > Utopias and Initiation
by (3078 reads)
Question & Answer...from the little I know, I understand that the ultimate purpose of Freemasonry is not so much the realization of Man (like in Christianity) followed by the realization of the Church as a spiritual community, but rather the contrary. It starts trying to build a real society (where a man can learn to realize himself together with other men). That is, Freemasonry is the real place where the mystic improvement of man is fulfilled. Therefore Freemasonry would be an immanent society that achieves a transcendent work (the Temple), which has its basis in a man that tries to improve himself by collaborating.

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Esotericism_Reading > Echoes of illusion
by (3446 reads)
Esotericism ReadingI have always liked realistic, practical and operative esotericism, rather than the pompous and melodramatic lyricism of generic esotericism, which has the only purpose of emphasizing banal fragments of egocentrism. Those who prefer ‘to dream’ rather than ‘to do’, are worried about erecting more and more oligarchic utopias. Also because talking is easy and doesn’t ‘cost’ much, on the contrary of ‘doing’ that costs everything, even life.

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Esotericism_Reading > Doubt, uncertainty and self-esteem. Different stages of the inner aspect
by (3265 reads)
Esotericism ReadingUncertainty is the companion of insecurity; the doubt of the coward cannot be compared to the caution of the researcher. This difference offers us some basic principles. First, that doubt can be synonym of caution; second that doubt can also be a symptom of uncertainty and lack of self-esteem.

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Esotericism_Reading > Principles of popularization
by (3173 reads)
Esotericism ReadingWe change gradually. This is very clear to those that work with dedication and perseverance in order to launch into space the silent sound, to which all the consciences close to reawakening respond.

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Question&Answer > Priest exorcist and magician
by (3171 reads)
Question & AnswerWhat is the difference between a priest exorcist and a magician? Some people say that they are the same thing for the purpose of the elimination of negativity...other people say that we need to go to the magician in cases of bad luck, whilst we need the priest in cases of paranormal phenomena (smell of rotten meat, unexplainable noises, presences, etc.)... Some magicians sustain the existence of spirits and demons; others also mention the negative energies of nature and macrocosm (which are not entities, but pure energies)...not to mention the Church, which says that magic is always an instrument of the devil...could you please answer these questions... I am keen on paranormal phenomena, but I am realizing that the more I try and enquiry on this subject the less I understand, because of the opposite opinions on the matter.

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Question&Answer > A sighting point
by (3164 reads)
Question & Answer...often the experiences had during the initiatory journey are very different, when not disappointing, from what we expect.
This is a bitter consideration that I am sure many brothers will share.

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Esotericism_Reading > The Study of Symbols
by (5018 reads)
Esotericism Reading ‘...in order to achieve intuitiveness the use of symbols is necessary; indeed, every symbol offers the conscious eye the memory of the idea that was its foundation.’

Symbols are the external and visible forms of inner spiritual realities and the faculty to discover the occult reality of any specific form is by itself a sign of the reawakening of intuition.

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Freemasonry > Esotericism between East and West /2
by (6864 reads)
Freemasonry1. Three and Four: Triangle and Square – 2. The Four Elements of the living substance – 3. The cubic Stone – 4. Emblematic meaning of V.I.T.R.I.O.L. – 5. The Cup of Wisdom – 6. Use of Curiosity – 7. Esoteric meanings of the Masonic Apron – 8. Illumination – 9. Methodical doubt and analogy: two orientation tools in the world of meanings – 10. The books of Stone – 11. The Sephirothic Tree – 12. An interpretative analysis of the Tree – 13. The Sephirothic System – 14. The 11th invisible Sephir: Da’ath – the Abyss of Mutation – 15. Two ritual lights: the Menorah, the Chanukah – 16. Analogy of the seven, Menorah, Caduceus of Hermes and initiatory Staff – 17. The Journey of the humankind – 18. ‘Solve et Coagula’ – 19. Left and Right, in order to recover the meaning of male and female Initiation – 20. Notions on the silent sound – 21. Interiorization – 22. The descent of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

The triangle is the symbol used to express the relation between the various elements of the physical manifestation and the three fundamental aspects that rule the universe. Symbolically, the vertexes of the triangle represent a greater Triad, the so-called divine Ternary, which animates any formal representation.
On the contrary, every physical form is made of a quaternary, with four elements also symbolically called: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

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578 Stories (58 Pages, 10 Per Page)
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